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Your Vision for Social Change Discussion

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Week Four Original Discussion Post
Your Vision for Social Change
The competitive nature among todays higher education institutions (e.g. Colleges or
Universities), requires the clarification of identity, values and future aspirations that uniquely
formulate its foundation; known as their mission and vision statements. Those statements
identify the unique principles, goals, aspirations, and purpose which differentiates between
various institutions and their ability to facilitate a lasting change within their clientele and the
community. Therefore Gozukukara (2015), suggest that higher education play essential roles in
social change success or failures; which depends on the quality and diversity of academic
content. This is to ensure that the public’s interest is incorporated into the curriculum. In
accordance with other higher learning institutions
Walden’s mission, vision and intended outcomes (CITE THE RESOURCES)
Like many of its competitors, Walden University place emphasis on teaching and training
practices. However, Walden distinguishes itself by placing equal emphasis on research-based
practice, through the development of “scholar-practitioners,” as the means for facilitating
positive social change; utilizing a balance of academic competencies and acquired problem
solving skills to formulate solutions to essential problems within the community. (Walden,
2018) According to Walden University (2018), their mission is to establish students
“professional identity” with goals to address professional, educational, and societal needs among
diverse populations and environments through the provision of prevention and intervention
strategies which promote the wholistic wellness of individuals within their community (p 4-5).
Additionally, Walden’s vison includes the provision of accessible educational opportunities,

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utilizing the provision of accessible educational opportunities, utilizing technological
advancements, to promote competent practitioners eager and capable of investing in the greater
good through the promotion of community problem solving techniques (Walden, 2018).
Furthermore, Walden’s desired student outcomes include the development of academic,
“knowledge, skills, and ability to facilitate positive social change; implement knowledge for
positive impacts; demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning; apply knowledge in problem
solving and overcoming challenges; demonstration of informational literacy; demonstration of
understanding relevant to methods of inquiry; practice based on ethical and legal integrity;
effective communication of ideals and rational; and support diversity and multilateralism
(Walden, 2018).”
State an issue in your community and how you imagine you will address it in light of WU
mission and vision of social change:
Unfortunately, the abundance of societal issues I encounter daily, demonstrates an
extreme need for mental health professionals equipped with the skills and ability to facilitate
lasting change; further financial backing to increase the accessibility of care; and accurate
implementation of ethically a wear research-based practice. Historically, professionals have
practiced treatment methods that are designed to identify and correct the symptoms of mental
illness rather than address the root cause of the issues; resulting in prolonged care based on a
medical model of care. Therefore, efforts to promote lasting change has been ineffective and
treatment has been misdirected.
Therefore, the issue I would seek to address would be the procedures utilized to detect,
diagnose, establish care, maintain behavioral changes, and conclusion of care; which is not

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Week Four Original Discussion Post Your Vision for Social Change The competitive nature among todays higher education institutions (e.g. Colleges or Universities), requires the clarification of identity, values and future aspirations that uniquely formulate its foundation; known as their mission and vision statements. Those statements identify the unique principles, goals, aspirations, and purpose which differentiates between various institutions and their ability to facilitate a lasting change within their clientele and the community. Therefore Gozukukara (2015), suggest that higher education play essential roles in social change success or failures; which depends on the quality and diversity of academic content. This is to ensure that the public’s interest is incorporated into the curriculum. In accordance with other higher learning institutions Walden’s mission, vision and intended outcomes (CITE THE RESOURCES) Like many of its competitors, Walden University place emphasis on teaching and training practices. However, Walden distinguishes itself by placing equal emphasis on research-based practice, through the development of “scholar-practitioners,” as the means for facilitating positive social change; utilizing a balance of academic competencies and acquired problem solving skills to formulate solutions to essential problems within the community. (Walden, 2018) According to Walden University (2018), their mission is to establish students “professional identity” ...
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