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ECornell Modeling and Business Analytics Action Plan Spreadsheet

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DYS541: Getting Started with Spreadsheet Modeling
and Business Analytics
Dyson, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
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Getting Started with Spreadsheet Modeling and Business
Analytics Action Plan
Professor Haeger has explained that there are three steps in the data-analytics process,
and the first of these is to gather your data. Consider how you will gather your data and
towards what end: What are the key business questions you’re hoping to answer?
Answer the following questions, using as much space as you need.
1. Describe the key business need you have for analyzing data or the problem you
wish to solve. For example, do you hope to more effectively work with your inventory
records, customer or guest records, sales data, purchase orders?
I hope to more effectively work with budgets and transaction list and predict lab
expenditures based on previous years trends.
2. What is it that you need to do, better or for the first time? Describe your goal(s) for
analyzing data.
1. Organize my data in an easy to read manner.
2. Create a system to sort the monthly data I receive from finance consistently.
3. Analyze my data using the power of excel and programing.
3. As you reflect on your business need for performing data analytics, consider how
you will gather your data. Will you be collecting it yourself, such as via a new customer
survey? Will someone else in your organization, such as the customer service or HR
department, collect the data and deliver it to you?
Finance Department submits the data to me at the closing of every month.
4. Now that you have identified your business need for analyzing your data, identify the
main categories of data you expect to gather. For example, in terms of customer data,
this might be: first and last name, street address, city, state/province, mailing code,
email, phone, purchase history.
I will be dealing with two sets of data, budget data and transaction data:
Categories for Budget Data:
Grant Name, Principle Investigator Name, Institution, Grant Year, Sponsored Class,

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DYS541: Getting Started with Spreadsheet Modeling and Business Analytics Dyson, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business Getting Started with Spreadsheet Modeling and Business Analytics Action Plan Professor Haeger has explained that there are three steps in the data-analytics process, and the first of these is to gather your data. Consider how you will gather your data and towards what end: What are the key business questions you’re hoping to answer? Answer the following questions, using as much space as you need. 1. Describe the key business need you have for analyzing data or the problem ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
