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HIST 3020 Matrilineal Kinship Essay

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Matrilineal kinship
Kinship is the most basic way of organizing people in roles, categories, and social
groups. Organization depends on marriage and parenting is common in most societies. With the
rising industrialization, family cohesiveness and structure have been derailed by the increased
occurrence of the market economy and social services. Despite the erosion of kinship systems in
most societies, the nuclear family still remains the basic the most basic family structure of
upbringing the children. In the non-industrial aspects, a larger function is responsible for the
units of the kinship system. These kinship units act as a basis of religious issues on spiritual
beings, political symbols, and most fundamental aspects of production.
To begin with, matrilineal kinship is different from the known kinship system.
Matrilineal kinship promotes interactions among matrilineal kin who are only related through the
female gender (Laura, 2012). This kinship system exhibits possible characterized tension of the
societal system relating to the disagreements and roles and interests of the male gender on their
basic family roles. On a specified society, stress on matrilineal kin is expressed in various social
domains and the culture regulating succession, family authority, and inheritance (Hartung, 1985).
The Minangkabau proverb clearly exhibits the meaning of matrilineal kinship system by showing
the apparent fundamental role of women in household matters. Most of these activities carried
out occupy social and physical energy in women`s life.
Equality is exhibited on a Minangkabau speculate because women are given a chance to
govern family matters and marriage rules. To live in a polygynous or polyandrous society,
downgrades women. For instance, in polygyny, a man is allowed to have many wives and this
downgrades women. Therefore, the matrilineal kinship system uplifts women since it gives them
a chance to formulate rules that have an opinion in the society. An alternative proverb to be used

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MATRILINEAL KINSHIP 1 MATRILINEAL KINSHIP Name Institution MATRILINEAL KINSHIP 2 Matrilineal kinship Kinship is the most basic way of organizing people in roles, categories, and social groups. Organization depends on marriage and parenting is common in most societies. With the rising industrialization, family cohesiveness and structure have been derailed by the increased occurrence of the market economy and social services. Despite the erosion of kinship systems in most societies, the nuclear family still remains the basic the most basic family structure of upbringing the children. In the non-industrial aspects, a larger function is responsible for the units of the kinship system. These kinship units act as a basis of religious issues on spiritual beings, political symbols, and most fundamental aspects of production. To begin with, matrilineal kinship is different from the known kinship system. Matrilineal kinship promotes interactions among matrilineal kin who are only related through the female gender (Laura, 2012). This kinship system exhibits possible characterized tension of the societal system relating to the disagreements and roles and interests of the male gender on the ...
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