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Decision Making How To Solve a Problem Discussion

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Name: Nguyn Th Linh Phương
ID: 0217009
Class: QTKD 2+2 DSU
Subject: Decision Making
How to solve the problem
There are many important skills in life that we have to learn such as presentation
skills, communication skills, lesson skills,... Problem solving is one of the essential
skills in life. No matter who you are and what you do, you face obstacles. How you
overcome challenges is often the determining factor of how you will succeed in life.
Since the problem may appear in many different forms and scales, we will consider 6
steps to solve the problem. This is steps:
First step is to identify exact problem. Find the real problem, not just the
symptoms that result from the problem. When defining the problem, do not consider
things that are extraneous matters, only what the actual problem is Try to be as clear
and thorough as possible when defining the problem. If it is a personal issue, be
Identify exact
the problem
Identify the roof
Find out the
best solution
Prepare to plan
for implement
the solution
Evaluate the

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honest with yourself as to the causes of the problem. If it is a logistics problem,
determine exactly where and when the problem occurs.Determine whether the
problem is real or self-created. Do you need to solve this problem or is this about
something you want? Putting things in perspective can help you navigate the problem-
solving process.
- For example, if your room is constantly messy, the problem might not be that
you’re a messy person. It might be that you lack containers or places to put
your items in an organized way.
The second step is restructuring the problem. This step includes: careful
observation, inspection, fact-finding and developing a clear picture of the problem.
After identifying the problem, restructuring the problem is necessary to get more
information about this issue and increase its understanding. This stage needs to
understand reality and analyze, build a more comprehensive picture of both goals and
barriers. This stage may not be necessary for very simple but very necessary problems
for more complex issues. Should ask questions to find more information from the
- is that really the problem?
- is my problem?
- Is the problem worth solving?
- what the price is?
- I have to solve it myself?
- those who are responsible?
And then we have to identify the roof cause. If it is unclear what the source of
the problem is, it can easily lead to a problem, or a repetitive problem. If speaking in
the language of medicine, "catching the wrong disease" will only treat symptoms, not
treat the disease, sometimes "loss of money, disability". Usually the cause of the
problem has to two effect which is advantage and disadvantage. And the usual tools to
identify the roof cause of problem are 5-why and fishbone model.
- 5-why method: This method is applied simply by repeating the question
"WHY" until the root cause is determined.

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Name: Nguyễn Thị Linh Phương ID: 0217009 Class: QTKD 2+2 DSU Subject: Decision Making How to solve the problem There are many important skills in life that we have to learn such as presentation skills, communication skills, lesson skills,... Problem solving is one of the essential skills in life. No matter who you are and what you do, you face obstacles. How you overcome challenges is often the determining factor of how you will succeed in life. Since the problem may appear in many different forms and scales, we will consider 6 steps to solve the problem. This is steps: Identify exact problem Restructuring the problem Identify the roof cause Find out the best solution Prepare to plan for implement the solution Evaluate the implementation First step is to identify exact problem. Find the real problem, not just the symptoms that result from the problem. When defining the problem, do not consider things that are extraneous matters, only what the actual problem is Try to be as clear and thorough as possible when defining the problem. If it is a personal issue, be honest with yourself as to the causes of the problem. If it is a logistics problem, determine exactly where a ...
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