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DTEL 211 Trust Academy Networking and PC Engineering Exam II

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Trust Academy exam 2
In collaboration with MSU
Diploma in Telecommunications DTEL
Diploma in Networking and PC Engineering DNEP
Final Examination-
DTEL 211: Electronics
Time: 2 Hours
Instructions to candidates
Answer all questions section A. The section carries 40 marks.
In section B answer any three. Each question carries 20 marks.
Question 1
a. Differentiate between the shunt voltage regulator and the series voltage r regulator
b. State two uses of semiconductors (2)
c. Explain the flow of current in conductors (3)
d. Define diffusion current (2)
Question 2
a. Draw the schematic symbol for a zener diode (2)
b. Explain what is meant by electrical capacitance and give the s.i units (2)
c. Define bridge rectification (2)
d. Give four examples of transistors (4)
Question 3
a. Name three examples of diodes (3)
b. List two examples of logic gates (2)

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c. Describe the I-V characteristics of a metallic conductor (5)
Question 4
a. Define the operational amplifier (1)
b. State three properties of the ideal operational amplifier (3)
c. Describe the three applications of the bipolar transistor (6)
Section B. Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
Question 5
a. List three importances of Electronics to your studies (3)
b. In your own words define the number system (2)
c. Draw the common emitter amplifier (3)
d. Explain the importance of transistors today (4)
a. By graphical illustration distinguish between half wave and bridge rectification (10)
Question 6
a. State three examples of field effect transistors (3)
b. Draw the common emitter amplifier (3)
c. Explain the importance of transistors today (4)
d. Suppose you have been promoted as an Electronic Engineer at your Company. Describe and
explain the procedures which you will put in practice for the growth of the company. (10)
Question 7
a. Give a brief account of electrical conduction in solids pointing out the basic differences
between insulators, conductors and semiconductors (10)
b. Define a transistor. (2)
c. Describe the junction transistor (3)
d. Draw a sketch of the characteristic of a p-n junction diode. (5)

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Trust Academy exam 2 In collaboration with MSU Diploma in Telecommunications DTEL & Diploma in Networking and PC Engineering DNEP Final ExaminationDTEL 211: Electronics Time: 2 Hours Instructions to candidates • Answer all questions section A. The section carries 40 marks. • In section B answer any three. Each question carries 20 marks. Question 1 a. Differentiate between the shunt voltage regulator and the series voltage r regulator (3) b. State two uses of semiconductors (2) c. Explain the flow of current in conductors (3) d. Define diffusion current (2) Question 2 a. b. c. d. Draw the schematic symbol for a zener diode Explain what is meant by electrical capacitance and give the s.i units Define bridge rectification Give four examples of transistors (2) (2) (2) (4) Question 3 a. Name three examples of diodes b. List two examples of logic gates (3) (2) c. Describe the ...
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