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Strategy Implementation Plan for E-Types Discussion

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Strategy Implementation Plan for e-types
For the strategy option and since I’m not that familiar with the e-Types as this is my first course but from
the readings and even though e-Types could settle for being edgy and focusing on competing in the
innovative designs and I am going to assume that the strategic option they went for was competing in
both design markets meaning that they will continue working on the edgy designs and “smash the
world” but at the same time they will not ignore the more traditional designs and hence their focus in
the coming strategy period will mainly be to maximize revenues.
In order to implement such strategy and as per the assignment I am going to pick the following 3 out of
the 6 aspects explained in this course: Translating strategy into goals and metrics, Organizational
structure and Power and informal structures.
The first aspect I am going to discuss is the goals and metrics, for that we can design a balanced
scorecard translating the agreed upon strategy into objectives, measures, targets and initiatives across
the 4 perspectives: Financial, Customer, Internal and Learning and Growth. The strategy of e-Types
design firm can be translated as follows:
For the Financial perspective:
Increase revenue by 20% annually and increase share of “edgy” designs revenue to 70% vs traditional
designs by end of 2020
For the Customer perspective:
Ensure customer satisfaction for delivered designs by having a 90% customer satisfaction and 50%
recurring customers annually
Enhance “Smash the world” image by having 60% brand awareness by end of 2020 and achieving at
least 2 international design awards per year
For the Internal perspective:
Improve design delivery by decreasing the number of design versions till approval to reach 3 per
customer by Q2 2020
Attract new projects by having a % lead conversion and attracting no less than 30% in traditional
projects vs Edgy projects by end of 2020
For the Learning and Growth perspective:
Ensure employee loyalty by having a 90% employee satisfaction and decrease turnover to less than 2.5%
The second aspect I am going to discuss is the alignment of the organizational structure with the
strategy. For this specific strategy I would suggest that e-Types have a Divisional structure where there is
a division for the “Edgy” designs and another division for the “Traditional” designs. This will lead to

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Strategy Implementation Plan for e-types For the strategy option and since I’m not that familiar with the e-Types as this is my first course but from the readings and even though e-Types could settle for being edgy and focusing on competing in the innovative designs and I am going to assume that the strategic option they went for was competing in both design markets meaning that they will continue working on the edgy designs and “smash the world” but at the same time they will not ignore the more traditional designs and hence their focus in the coming strategy period will mainly be to ma ...
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Just what I needed…Fantastic!
