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POLS 1101 Presidential Press Releases Questions

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Political Science
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POLS 1101
American Government
Course Assignment 12
Name _Lauren Allison_
Presidential Press Releases
1. What are the similarities between the original press release and the news
coverage of the subject?
Both the press release and news organization had similarities in way of
stating that the Us unemployment has reached the lowest since 1969.
Together, the two readings also include that jobs in the us are having a very
slow growth.
2. What are the differences between the original press release the news
coverage of the subject?
The two interpretations differ in ways because one states that African
Americans unemployment rate hits an all-time low, whereas the other is
speaking that it is more than just that.
3. Would giving the public direct access to press briefings allow the public to
form its own opinion without the benefit of an intermediary, namely the
news media? Explain why, or why not.
Governments worldwide rely heavily on radio, television, magazines and
newspapers to reach large numbers of people. The media collects and
analyzes data from authorities to people, and therefore governments have to
take into account the media's "intermediate position" in trying to interact
with the public.
4. Would you prefer to have direct access to press briefings, or would you
prefer to get your information from the news media? Why or why not?
Press briefings may sound old-fashioned, but they are still in the news world
of current high-tech. A press release is good for the rapid sharing of
important news including an event, brand release or launch of a website.

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POLS 1101 American Government Course Assignment 12 Name _Lauren Allison_ Presidential Press Releases 1. What are the similarities between the original press release and the news coverage of the subject? Both the press release and news organization had similarities in way of stating that the Us unemp ...
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