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Communications and Culture in The Workplace Questions

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Communications Chapters 3 Activities (Planning your message)
1. What is rapport? Why is it so important in business?
A sensitive message prepared for a longtime client may differ significantly from a
message prepared for a newly acquired client.
Employees who feel they have a comfortable relationship with managers tend to be happier in
the workplace.
Consider the Contextual Forces
2. How would you describe the culture at your workplace?
At my work, the cultural is diverse. My boss is from New York, and I feel as though we
work differently. We also have some Hispanic workers to help when some checkouts and
speaks Spanish. I would call my workplace a Clan culture.
a. Clan culture (internal focus and flexible)A friendly workplace where leaders
act like father figures.
b. Adhocracy culture (external focus and flexible)A dynamic workplace with
leaders who stimulate innovation.
c. Market culture (external focus and controlled)A competitive workplace
where leaders are hard drivers.
d. Hierarchy culture (internal focus and controlled)A structured and
formalized workplace where leaders act like coordinators or administrators.
3. Match the following situations with the type of context:
2.Asking your boss for a raise at the company picnic vs. the
1.Changing the approach to asking for a raise because your boss
is younger than you
4.Asking your boss (you have known for 20 years) for a raise
3.Waiting until after lunch to ask your boss for a raise
5.Asking your boss for a raise even though the economy is
slowing down
4. What is Legitimate Peripheral Participation (Lave, 1998)? What does it mean and how
does it relate to you?
Legitimate peripheral participation (LPP) describes how newcomers become
experienced members and eventually old timers of a community of practice or
collaborative project.
LPP relates to me because I just got a new job and am slowly getting use to what I am
supposed to do every day.
Selecting the Channel of Communication:
5. Identify which Channel of Communication would be appropriate in the following
2.Making a personal connection with a large
audience and training across a geographic
2.Video Conference
1Confirming a meeting date
6.Conveying a formal message

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3.Sending brief, impersonal, or routine
5.Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
4.Delivering bad news such as terminating an
employee’s employment
6.Face to Face
5.Good way to redirect customer’s attention
to website or other form of communication
8.Introducing a persuasive message when
goodwill and credibility are important
8.Oral Presentation
7.Providing information when a response is
not required
Envisioning the Audience
6. Match the following concepts:
4.Stating in your e-mail to a colleague
who does not follow sports: “The
proposal is a grand slam” or ordering a
“biscuit and sweet tea when you are in
1.Wording a message answering an
elementary-school student’s request for
information from your company the
same as a message answering a similar
request from an adult.
3.Educational/occupational background
3.Wearing shorts, t-shirt, and running
shoes to meet with a banker to discuss a
business loan
2.Telling a new student at GHC in
orientation to make sure to check our
5.Misspelling a long-time client’s name.
Adapting the message to the audience’s needs or concerns
7. Provide an example of an e-mail or communication which was “I centered”
I texted in my work group message asking if someone would cover my shift.
Organizing the message
8. Which approach (deductive or inductive) would you use in the following situations?
a. A student makes a 95 on a test deductive
b. You find out that your team has to work the weekend to get caught up on
customer orders inductive
c. Your top salesperson did not meet the criteria to receive the quarterly sales bonus.

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Communications Chapters 3 Activities (Planning your message) 1. What is rapport? Why is it so important in business? A sensitive message prepared for a longtime client may differ significantly from a message prepared for a newly acquired client. Employees who feel they have a comfortable relationship with managers tend to be happier in the workplace. Consider the Contextual Forces 2. How would you describe the culture at your workplace? At my work, the cultural is diverse. My boss is from New York, and I feel as though we work differently. We also have some Hispanic workers to help when some checkouts and speaks Spanish. I would call my workplace a Clan culture. a. Clan culture (internal focus and flexible)—A friendly workplace where leaders act like father figures. b. Adhocracy culture (external focus and flexible)—A dynamic workplace with leaders who stimulate innovation. c. Market culture (external focus and controlled)—A competitive workplace where leaders are hard drivers. d. Hierarchy culture (internal focus and controlled)—A structured and formalized workplace where leaders act like coordinators or administrators. 3. Match the following situations with the type of c ...
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