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SOC 330 Key Concepts Minority Groups and Discrimination Exam Practice

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Social Science
Exam Practice
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1. Characteristics of Minority Groups
Groups in a multiethnic society that receive fewer of the society’s rewards.
2. The Meaning of Stratification
A rank order in which people are grouped on the basis of how much of society’s
rewards they receive.
3. The Central Feature of Karl Marx’s stratification Theory
Stratification arises from the material structure of society. Those in control of
production receive more of society’s rewards than those who don’t control
4. The Central Feature of Max Weber’s Stratification Theory
Class, power, and prestige.
5. What is the Index of Dissimilarity?
A measure of segregation of ethnic groups in major cities.
6. Define Institutional Discrimination
Normalized social convention where discrimination is firmly incorporated in
society’s normative system.
7. Is there an Agreed upon Number of Human Racial Types?
No, this is not agreed upon.
8. Define Social Distance
A degree of intimacy people are prepared to establish in their relations with
9. Understand Robert Park’s Assimilation Theory
Groups first come into contact through migration, then engage in competition
usually conflict, soon accommodation among the groups, and finally assimilation.
10. Make Sure you understand the Idea of Structural Assimilation
When minority groups are dispersed throughout society’s institutions and enter
into social contracts with the dominant group.
11. Make Sure you understand the Idea of Cultural Assimilation
When the minority group adopts the culture of the dominant group.
12. Theories that Explain Prejudice (Psychological, Cultural, Power/Conflict)
Psychological: group hostility satisfies certain personality needs, prejudiced is
traced to individual factors.
Cultural/normative: conforming responses to social situations in which people
find themselves.
Power/conflict: prejudice is a tool used to protect or enhance group interests,
focus on political, economic, and social competition among groups.
13. What is the Split Labor market Theory?
Dominant Ethnic groups control certain job positions and keep minorities out.
14. Gunnar Myrdal, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Mary Waters, Gerhard Lenski
15. Difference between Race and Ethnicity
Ethnic groups share common cultural traits, while race is biological.
16. The Relationship between Prejudice and Education
Education does not reduce prejudice, rather changing behavior reduces
discrimination and prejudice.

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SOC 330: KEY CONCEPTS FOR EXAM #1 1. Characteristics of Minority Groups Groups in a multiethnic society that receive fewer of the society’s rewards. 2. The Meaning of Stratification A rank order in which people are grouped on the basis of how much of society’s rewards they receive. 3. The Central Feature of Karl Marx’s stratification Theory Stratification arises from the material structure of society. Those in control of production receive more of society’s rewards than those who don’t control production. 4. The Central Feature of Max Weber’s Stratification Theory Class, power, an ...
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