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KIN 366 Exercise Psychology Learning Activity Exam Practice

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Research Paper
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Demographic Information
Name: Logan Pasker
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6 feet 2.5 inches
Weight: 235 lbs
Exercise Habits
Do you exercise on a regular basis (at least 3 times per week, 20+ minutes
per session)? Yes
If yes, please answer questions a through d below.
A. How many days (on average) do you exercise per week? Please,
check. 4
B. How long (on average) do you exercise per session?
90 minutes
C. Using the scale below, indicate how hard you exercise (on average). 7
D. How long have you been exercising on a regular basis (at least 3
times per week, 20+ minutes per session)?
For 2 years and 9 months
Before Exercise Feeling Scale
+3 Good
Activation Deactivation Adjective Checklist
Before Exercise
Energy: Active 4, energetic 4, vigorous 4, lively 4, and full-of-pep 4 = 20
Tiredness: Sleepy 1, tired 3, drowsy 2, wide-awake 4, and wakeful 3 = 13
Tension: Jittery 1, Intense 3, fearful 1, clutched-up 1, and tense 2 = 7
Calmness: Placid 1, calm 1, at-rest 1, still ,2 and quiet 1 = 6
1. Active 4
2. Placid 1

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3. Sleepy 1
4. Jittery 1
5. Energetic 4
6. Intense 3
7. Calm 1
8. Tired 3
9. Vigorous 4
10. At rest 1
11. Drowsy 2
12. Fearful 1
13. Lively 4
14. Still 2
15. Wide-awake 4
16. Clutched-up 1
17. Quiet 1
18. Full-of-pep 4
19. Tense 2
20. Wakeful 3
After Exercise
Energy: Active 3, energetic 3, vigorous 4, lively 4, and full-of-pep 4 = 18
Tiredness: Sleepy 1, tired 3, drowsy 1, wide-awake 4, and wakeful 2 = 11
Tension: Jittery 1, Intense 4, fearful 1, clutched-up 1, and tense 1 = 8
Calmness: Placid 1, calm 2, at-rest 1, still 1, and quiet 3 = 9
1. Active 3
2. Placid 1
3. Sleepy 1
4. Jittery 1
5. Energetic 3
6. Intense 4

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Demographic Information Name: Logan Pasker Gender: Male Age: 20 Height: 6 feet 2.5 inches Weight: 235 lbs Exercise Habits Do you exercise on a regular basis (at least 3 times per week, 20+ minutes per session)? Yes If yes, please answer questions a through d below. A. How many days (on average) do you exercise per week? Please, check. 4 B. How long (on average) do you exercise per session? 90 minutes C. Using the scale below, indicate how hard you exercise (on average). 7 D. How long have you been exercising on a regular basis (at least 3 times per week, 20+ minutes per session)? For 2 years and 9 months Before Exercise Feeling Scale +3 Good Activation Deactivation Adjective Checklist Before Exercise Energy: Active 4, energetic 4, vigorous 4, lively 4, and full-of-pep 4 = 20 Tiredness: Sleepy 1, tired 3, drowsy 2, wide-awake 4, and wakeful 3 = 13 Tension: Jittery 1, Intense 3, fearful 1, clutched-up 1, and tense 2 = 7 Calmness: Placid 1, calm 1, at-rest 1, still ,2 and quiet 1 = 6 1. Active 4 2. Placid 1 3. Sleepy 1 4. Jittery 1 5. Energetic 4 6. Intense 3 7. Calm 1 8. Tired 3 9. Vigorous 4 10. At rest 1 11. Drowsy 2 12. Fearful 1 13. Lively 4 14. Still 2 15. Wide-awake 4 16. Clutched-up 1 17. Quiet 1 18. Full-of-pep 4 19. Tense 2 20. Wakeful 3 After Exercise Energy: Active 3, energetic 3, vigorous 4, lively 4, and full-of-pep 4 = 18 Tiredness: Sleepy 1, tired 3, drowsy 1, wide-awake 4, and wakeful 2 = 11 Tension: Jittery 1, Intense 4, fearful 1, clutched-up 1, and tense ...
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