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Iron and Calcium Intakes Worksheet 8-3

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Worksheet 8-3: Iron and Calcium Intakes
The two minerals most likely to fall short in the diet are iron and calcium. Interestingly, both are found in
protein-rich foods, but not in the same foods. Meats, fish, and poultry are rich in iron but poor in calcium.
Conversely, milk and milk products are rich in calcium but poor in iron. Including meat or meat alternates
for iron and milk and milk products for calcium can help defend against iron deficiency and osteoporosis,
respectively. Determine whether these food choices are typical of your diet.
Food choices
Frequency per week
Calcium-fortified foods (such as corn tortillas, tofu, cereals,
or juices)
5 times a week
Dark green vegetables (such as broccoli)
4-5 times a week
Iron-fortified foods (such as breads or cereals)
7 times a week
Legumes (such as pinto beans)
4 times a week
Meats, fish, poultry, or eggs
7 times a week
Milk or milk products
4 times a week
Nuts (such as almonds) or seeds (such as sesame seeds)
2 times a week (give or take)
Small fish (such as sardines) or fish canned with bones
(such as canned salmon)
Rarely ever
Whole or enriched grain products
5 times a week
1. Do you eat a variety of foods, including some meats, seafood, poultry, or legumes, daily?
2. Do you drink at least 3 glasses of milkor get the equivalent in calciumevery day?
No, not always
3. How would you obtain these minerals if you followed a vegan diet?
Following a vegan diet, you would have to get their protein from plants such as chickpeas and quinoa.
Orange juice, nuts, soy, seeds could replace milk.
4. How would you obtain these minerals if you needed to restrict the protein in your diet due to kidney
Iron is needed which could be obtained by eating pumpkin seed, legumes, turkey, and guava. Amla and
citrus increase iron absorption.

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Worksheet 8-3: Iron and Calcium Intakes The two minerals most likely to fall short in the diet are iron and calcium. Interestingly, both are found in protein-rich foods, but not in the same foods. Meats, fish, and poultry are rich in iron but poor in calcium. Conversely, milk and milk products are rich in calcium but poor in iron. Including meat or meat alternates for iron and milk and milk products for calcium can help defend against iron deficiency and osteoporosis, respectively. Determine whether these food choices are typical of your diet. Food choices Calcium-fortified foods (such as corn ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
