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Intake Analysis Children and Older Adults Worksheet 14-2:

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Worksheet 14-2: Intake AnalysisChildren and Older Adults
Eating Plan D (1 Day’s Intake)
1 cup of Corn Flakes cereal
¾ cup 1% fat milk
6 ounces orange juice
12 ounces coffee
1 honey nut granola bar
6 ounces chocolate milk
2 slices rye bread
2 ounces pastrami
2 Tbsp. hot mustard
1 ounce Swiss cheese
1 cup 2% fat milk
1 large apple
8 Ritz crackers
2 Tbsp. peanut butter
12 ounces Diet Coke
1 cup angel hair pasta
¾ cup marinara sauce
1 cup lettuce & 1 sliced tomato
cup shredded cheddar cheese
5 cucumber slices
¼ cup Italian dressing
of a devil’s food cake
6 ounces red wine
Eating Plan G (1 Day’s Intake)
1 cup honey dew melon
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 large apple
½ avocado
½ cup sweet green peppers
½ cup sweet red peppers
¼ cup black olives
1 medium orange
1 medium banana
1 cup boiled green beans
10 cooked asparagus spears
1 cup sautéed mushrooms
1 cup kidney beans
¼ cup dried apricots
¼ cup dried Craisins
5 dried, pitted dates
Look at Eating Plans D and G:
1. a. Which eating plan has healthier snack choices for a school-age child?
Plan D
b. Why did you choose this plan?
The carbs and dairy, important for child development.
2. a. Which eating plan’s snack choices will appeal more to a typical child?
Plan D
b. What factors may influence a school-age child’s snack food choices?
The taste, texture, how easy it is to hold, chocolate and sweet content, pressure from other kids.
3. Which of these eating plans could potentially increase the risk of allergies in a susceptible child?
Plan D
4. a. What nutrients are lacking in the snacks contained in Eating Plan G?
Carbs and calcium

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Worksheet 14-2: Intake Analysis—Children and Older Adults Eating Plan D (1 Day’s Intake) 1 cup of Corn Flakes cereal ¾ cup 1% fat milk 6 ounces orange juice 12 ounces coffee 1 honey nut granola bar 6 ounces chocolate milk 2 slices rye bread 2 ounces pastrami 2 Tbsp. hot mustard 1 ounce Swiss cheese 1 cup 2% fat milk 1 large apple 8 Ritz crackers 2 Tbsp. peanut butter 12 ounces Diet Coke 1 cup angel hair pasta ¾ cup marinara sauce 1 cup lettuce & 1 sliced tomato 1 /3 cup shredded cheddar cheese 5 cucumber slices ¼ cup Italian dressing 1 /6 of a devil’s food cake 6 ounces red wine Eati ...
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