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Evaluating Corporate Stocks to Attain Your Investment Goals Worksheet

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Name & Matric No.: Eric Wong Zhong Hong 261433
Ling Jii Wen 262593
Evaluating Corporate Stocks
Purpose: To identify a corporate stock that might help you attain your investment goals.
The following questions will help you evaluate a potential stock investment. Use stock
websites on the internet and/or use library materials to answer these questions about a
corporate stock that you believe could help you obtain your investment goal.
Category 1: The Basics
1. What is the corporation’s name?
CIMB Group Holdings Berhad________________ ________________
2. What are the corporation’s website address and telephone number?
Corporation’s website is and
telephone number is +603 6204 7788 ______________________
3. Have you read the latest annual report and quarterly report?
Yes No
4. What information about the corporation is available on the internet?
The information about the corporation is available on the internet is financial
information, annual report, credit rating, capital and debt instruments,_____
shareholding information, and company announcements_ _____
5. Where is the stock traded (MAIN or ACE)?
Main Market_________________________ _________ _______ _____
6. What types of products or services does this firm provide?
CIMB provide Financial and banking services__________________________
7. Briefly describe the prospects for this company.
(Include significant factors such as product development, plans for mergers, etc.)
CIMB is introducing Forward 23 with the new vision statement of advancing_
customers and society. Forward 23 sets out a two prong focus of accelerating
growth as well as future proofing the Group. ______________
Category 2: Dividend Income
8. Is the corporation currently paying dividends? If so, how much?
Yes, 12.00 sen per share__ __________________________________

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Name & Matric No.: Eric Wong Zhong Hong 261433 Ling Jii Wen 262593 Evaluating Corporate Stocks Purpose: To identify a corporate stock that might help you attain your investment goals. The following questions will help you evaluate a potential stock investment. Use stock websites on the internet and/or use library materials to answer these questions about a corporate stock that you believe could help you obtain your investment goal. Category 1: The Basics 1. What is the corporation’s name? CIMB Group Holdings Berhad________________ ________________ 2. What are the corporation’s website ad ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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