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Note Taking

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De Anza College
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Running head: NOTE TAKING 1
Note Taking
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Note Taking
If your class notes are not organized, are messy and not clear at a first look, you are likely
not to get much use from them. This does not have anything to do with the neatness of your
handwriting. It is all about the entire structure of your notes. Note-taking in the classroom is one
of the most effective ways in which you can understand and remember what you are learning.
Better notes help you in remembering concepts, developing meaningful learning skills as well as
gaining a better understanding of the learnt topic.
The Cornell Method of note-taking was put in place to help students keep their notes as
much organized and useful as possible. This method of note-taking helps students in organizing
class notes in summaries that are easily digestible. It is effective since the main, details, points,
study cues, as well as summaries, are well written in one organized place (Media, 2016). I find
the Cornell method of note-taking appealing to me since notes here are neatly organized and
summarized in a way that is easy to review. Also, it creates room for pulling significant concepts
and ideas together. The Cornell method of note-taking worked effectively for me since it helped
me get through most of my classes.
According to the study that was carried out at Princeton University in 2014, students who
took notes on laptops wrote about 310 words in a lecture of 15 minutes. One hundred seventy-
three words were written for the students who wrote on paper in the same lecture (CrashCourse,
2017). The difference between handwritten and computer note-taking and handwritten note-
taking is that typing your notes gives you a speed advantage. The only problem associated with
computer note-taking is that students recall less information in case they are tested later.

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Running head: NOTE TAKING 1 Note Taking Student Name Institution Affiliation NOTE TAKING 2 Note Taking If your class notes are not organized, are messy and not clear at a first look, you are likely not to get much use from them. This does not have anything to do with the neatness of your handwriting. It is all about the entire structure of your notes. Note-taking in the classroom is one of the most effective ways in which you can understand and remember what you are learning. Better notes help you in remembering concepts, developing meaningful learning skills as well as gaining a better understanding of the learnt topic. The Cornell Method of note-taking was put in place to help students keep their notes as much organized and useful as possible. This method of note-taking helps students in organizing class notes in summaries that are easily digestible. It is effective since the main, details, points, study cues, as well as summaries, are well written in one organized place (Media, 2016). I find the Cornell method of note-taking appealing to me since notes here are neatly organized and summarized in a way that is easy to review. Also, it creates room for pulling significant co ...
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