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Consumer Behaviors of The Millenials Paper

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Marketing; generations, small group interviews, and Coca-Cola
1- Consumer behaviors of the Millenials, Gen Exer, and Boomers
The assessment concerning the three generations' is correct. Consumer Behavior deals
with the processes that individuals or groups use to select and purchase products and services.
The Millenials are technologically savvy. Their buying behavior involves habitual response or
planned action. They frequently buy low-cost items. They do minimal research and faster
decision making when it comes to purchasing. Products are purchased almost automatically by
this group.
Generation X has extensive or complex buying behavior. They spend a lot of time
seeking information and deciding whether to buy a product or not. Basing on their traits, they
take time to assess the economic importance of a product before they risk putting their money in
it. The boomers take limited time in decision making. They are well established, and they hold
positions in leadership and power; therefore, they have the means to acquire some of the
expensive items like cars.
Marketing to the three generations requires an avenue that is popular with the specific
group. To market to the Millenials, the internet will be the ideal tool since they are in the digital
era. A marketing message to them should be precise because they text more than making calls.
Generation X is partially into technology; therefore, the same can be used to them when

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marketing. A convincing and persuasive language should be applied to the marketing message
since they take time to decide on purchasing. When marketing to the boomers, use traditional
media like the radio and television. High-end products can be scouted to them since they have
the means and the will to purchase.
2- Simultaneous personal interview of a small group of individuals
From the simultaneous personal interview that the researchers of Veggie o's carried out,
they failed to deliver the message for the intended purpose, which was to market the new cereal
product. I would have begun by explaining the reason for the meeting, which was to introduce
the product by suggesting an opening topic, the name, and why the product is the best. To get the
message across, I would have stimulated interaction and Interjected questions from the kids
concerning the product being introduced.
The preparation of the presentation is critical since it gives a simulation of what is
expected. From it, questions to be asked would have been anticipated in readiness to respond
when they do come up. The actors seemed to have missed preparing the skit. The actor with a
paper in his hands fails to present his part when the piece of paper falls.
An online presentation would have worked well since the group is small and would have
been cost and time-efficient. It would also have eliminated peer pressure that was witnessed
when one child threw the food to the performer. I would have worked on the dress code to match
the product and, at the same time, appeal to the children and the performance at hand. Pink
colors appeal to children.

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surname1 Name: Institution: Course: Date: Marketing; generations, small group interviews, and Coca-Cola 1- Consumer behaviors of the Millenials, Gen Exer, and Boomers The assessment concerning the three generations' is correct. Consumer Behavior deals with the processes that individuals or groups use to select and purchase products and services. The Millenials are technologically savvy. Their buying behavior involves habitual response or planned action. They frequently buy low-cost items. They do minimal research and faster decision making when it comes to purchasing. Products are purchased almost automatically by this group. Generation X has extensive or complex buying behavior. They spend a lot of time seeking information and deciding whether to buy a product or not. Basing on their traits, they take time to assess the economic importance of a product before they risk putting their money in it. The boomers take limited time in decision making. They are well established, and they hold positions in leadership and power; therefore, they have the means to acquire some of the expensive items like cars. Marketing to the three generations requires an avenue that is popular with the specific group. To market to the Millenials, the internet will be the ideal tool since they are in the digital era. A marketing message to them should be precise because they text more than making calls. Generation X is partially into technology; therefore, the same can be used to them when Surname2 ...
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