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Racial Oppression Discussion

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Racial Oppression Reflection Essay
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Scenario I
The advice provided to Jessica will entail three distinct views on discrimination and
prejudice. First, I will assist her in identifying the prejudicial aspects involved in her problem.
These will come from Jessica's feeling of being in a racial limbo, considering the perspective that
she is monoracial but with a stronger affiliation to the white community, this is commonly
experienced since she has formed a closer connection with the whites as compared to the
Hispanic community and the biases she gets from her relations with the group is documented in
the above causes (Giamo et al 2012). She describes her affiliations to be based on the lack of
bilingual exposure by their parents. To assist Jessica, it is crucial to help her in relating to
Hispanians and understanding their culture this would be aimed at creating a stronger bond
between Jessica and the Hispanian community at large. Lastly, I would explain why my advice is
the best course of action if she decides to remain in the group.
Jessica must know that the Hispanic students' group may not have recognized that she is
not comfortable with their means of sharing. Thus, judging the group is bias and is prejudicial
and going ahead to hate the group to the degree of stating that she would instead be involved
with "all white" group is not only discriminative but also prejudicial. Three strategies remain
efficient in the self-challenge of dealing with discrimination and prejudice at a personal degree
(Chin et al 2010). These comprise of the recognition of prejudicial information, guilt acceptance,
fighting irrationality, and establishing coping techniques. Therefore, after acknowledging that
she is also biased, she can overcome the issue by recognizing the opposing likelihood of the
Hispanic students' group being non-discriminative this could easily be achieved by learning more
about the community. Coping approaches may include withdrawal from the group on a personal

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Running head: RACIAL OPPRESSION 1 Racial Oppression Reflection Essay Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date RACIAL OPPRESSION 2 Scenario I The advice provided to Jessica will entail three distinct views on discrimination and prejudice. First, I will assist her in identifying the prejudicial aspects involved in her problem. These will come from Jessica's feeling of being in a racial limbo, considering the perspective that she is monoracial but with a stronger affiliation to the white community, this is commonly experienced since she has formed a closer connection with the whites as compared to the Hispanic community and the biases she gets from her relations with the group is documented in the above causes (Giamo et al 2012). She describes her affiliations to be based on the lack of bilingual exposure by their parents. To assist Jessica, it is crucial to help her in relating to Hispanians and understanding their culture this would be aimed at creating a stronger bond between Jessica and the Hispanian community at large. Lastly, I would explain why my advice is the best course of action if she decides to remain in the group. Jessica must know that the Hispanic student ...
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