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NRS 430V GCSU Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Paper

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Grand Canyon State University
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Professional Development of Nursing Professionals
Timothy Ezadhe
Grand Canyon State University

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The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is a group responsible for excellent health services. The
IOM carried out a research and discovered that multiple medical mistakes that happened is as a
result of fractional health care organization. They established four instructions that are expected
to be followed by all healthcare practitioners so as to make the healthcare scheme better.
The IOM describes four particular instructions that are important to the nursing profession.
The first instruction is that nurses’ exercise to the optimal reach of their learning and training. In
other words, this means that nurses are expected to practice to their utmost level to the best of
their ability. This is essential reason being it ensures that nurses are always at their best as well
as making sure they do not go out of their practice range. For example; patients would deny a
nurse who wants to diagnose their condition since it is out of their jurisdiction as a nurse.
The second instruction in the IOM describes that nurses need to proceed in their learning in a
plan that boost academic progress. This is highly essential for every nurse. Majority of nurses
begin to work full-time the moment they are given the registered nurse license and for them to
proceed in their studies they need a course of study that is not rigid, online and realizable
anticipations. If nurses were meant to pass through an indigenous in class courses, it would be
impossible for many to continue their studies because of full-time work.
The next instruction in the study states that nurses should work in relationship with the
doctors and other health care practitioners so as to better the health services for the citizens of the
United States. The essence of this instruction is to make all health care practitioners have a
cordial relationship that will better the quality of health services provided to the patients. This is

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Running Head: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Timothy Ezadhe Grand Canyon State University 20/11/2019 1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 2 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is a group responsible for excellent health services. The IOM carried out a research and discovered that multiple medical mistakes that happened is as a result of fractional health care organization. They established four instructions that are expected to be followed by all healthcare practitioners so as to make the healthcare scheme better. The IOM describes four particular instructions that are important to the nursing profession. The first instruction is that nurses’ exercise to the optimal reach of their learning and training. In other words, this means that nurses are expected to practice to their utmost level to the best of their ability. This is essential reason being it ensures that nurses are always at their best as well as making sure they do not go out of their practice range. For example; patients would deny a nurse who wants to diagnose their condition since it is out of their jurisdiction as a nurse. The second instruction in the IOM describes that nurses need to proceed in their learning in a plan that boost academic progress. This is highly essential for every nurse. Majority of nurses begin to work full-time the moment they are given the registered nurse license and for them to proceed in their studi ...
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