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HMGT 320 Planning Function Essay

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University of Maryland University College
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Planning Function
Jasmine Coleman
University of Maryland University College
HMGT 320

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The planning function is one of the most important parts of healthcare management. This
function requires the manager to set a direction and determine what needs to be accomplished. It
means setting priorities and determining performance targets (An Overview of Health Care
Management, 2016). Without a planning it is almost impossible to make anything happen
especially with a merger. A merger needs to be planned out in order to be financially stable and
successful. Key attributes should be addressed along with future goals and determining positive
outcomes. We know that the merger will cause an Increase in availability of beds, a major
increase in staff and possibly bring in more patients which is why the company must start with
According to management study, planning refers to a process of looking into the future of
presuming what will happen in the future under the existing circumstances. Planning gives you
the opportunity to brain storm and visualize how the organization can be improved and how
these improvements will be beneficial for the customers. Planning is all about achieving the set
of objectives made, being knowledgeable about the organizations needs and its current issues.
The planning function helps reduce risks because you’re able to determine short- and long- term
goals for the organization, predict what could change in the future and what could possibly go
wrong. Making accurate assumptions while planning is suggested to decrease the probability of
the Merger failing in the long run. I would suggest team planning meetings so everyone can be
on the same page. All of the departments should be included when planning because each
department may have certain needs to maintain. It is important to know how engaged other
departments are and how things can be improved because their relationship will play a major role
when it comes to having a successful merger. Once the planning process is completed and

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1 PLANNING FUNCTION Planning Function Jasmine Coleman University of Maryland University College HMGT 320 2 PLANNING FUNCTION The planning function is one of the most important parts of healthcare management. This function requires the manager to set a direction and determine what needs to be accomplished. It means setting priorities and determining performance targets (An Overview of Health Care Management, 2016). Without a planning it is almost impossible to make anything happen especially with a merger. A merger needs to be planned out in order to be financially stable and successful. Key attributes should be addressed along with future goals and determining positive outcomes. We know that the merger will cause an Increase in availability of beds, a major increase in staff and possibly bring in more patients which is why the company must start with planning. According to management study, planning refers to a process of looking into the future of presuming what will happen in the future under the existing circumstances. Planning gives you the opportunity to brain storm and visualize how the organization can be improved and how these improvements will be beneficial for the cus ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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