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Evidence Based Nursing

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Evidence-Based Nursing
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Evidence-Based Nursing
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In my career as a nurse, I encounter patients who require extremely careful patient care
and delicate handling. Medical personnel including nurses strive to ensure that lives are not lost
especially to the weak and frail patients who need intensive care. Medical personnel often know
how to judge if a patient will survive or not. At times, the patient’s situation is used to consider
the best choice that would be made. Medics should make decisions based on the interests of the
patient and make use of the decision making based on evidence. Recently, I had an encounter
with an 85-year old patient who was used to walk almost several kilometers almost a single day.
The patient developed problems in the gall bladder and therefore, a corrective surgery was
needed. The doctor who was examining the patient saw it best for a surgery to be undertaken on
the patient.
The patient had a cholecystectomy done and after this, the patient developed problems on
the ileus. Several surgeries were done on the patient and later, she was told to go back home but
using a sludge drain and using a Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). The patient used the Total
Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) for almost ten months when a complication developed that was
preventing draining causing an abdominal swelling. More surgeries were done on the abdomen
and this resulted in a further complication leading to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
(ARDS) and sepsis. The medical personnel informed the caregivers and the family about the
situation of the patient and major intensive processes were done to prevent the patient from

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EVIDENCE BASED NURSING 1 Evidence-Based Nursing Student`s Name Institution Date EVIDENCE BASED NURSING 2 Evidence-Based Nursing Main post In my career as a nurse, I encounter patients who require extremely careful patient care and delicate handling. Medical personnel including nurses strive to ensure that lives are not lost especially to the weak and frail patients who need intensive care. Medical personnel often know how to judge if a patient will survive or not. At times, the patient’s situation is used to consider the best choice that would be made. Medics should make decisions based on the interests of the patient and make use of the decision making based on evidence. Recently, I had an encounter with an 85-year old patient who was used to walk almost several kilometers almost a single day. The patient developed problems in the gall bladder and therefore, a corrective surgery was needed. The doctor who was examining the patient saw it best for a surgery to be undertaken on the patient. The patient had a cholecystectomy done and after this, the patient developed problems on the ileus. Several surgeries were done on the patient and later, she was told to go back home but using a sludge drain and using a Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). The patient used the Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) for almost ten months when a complication developed that was preventing draining causing an abdominal swelling. More surgeries were done on the abdomen and this resulted in a furt ...
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