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Unfamiliar languages and Language Exercise Paper

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Social Science
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Running head: Answers
Answers to the passage
1. Unfamiliar languages to an individual can pose a challenge especially when one visits a
new place. In my previous experience, I have encountered challenges on several occasions
when I visit new places and I am not fully acquitted with the language. One memorable
experience stands out when I visited Russia for a conference on environmental
conservation and management. The speakers tended to switch languages from English to
Russian though I was not fully conversant with the Russian language. I struggled to get the
key points and maintain the flow of the speech.
2. Many a time people tend to enquire what one gives priority and dislikes. In some situations,
especially in learning institutions, individuals are ridiculed for their answers to these
questions and sometimes leading to hatred which may deteriorate resulting to loathe. I have
encountered a similar experience before. Once, I failed a challenge which made me be seen
as a witless character when I made an impromptu speech in the presence of my fellow
students. They made fun of me until I was on the edge of vexation. However, I gathered
courage and amazingly rekindled my whet to learn more
3. The teacher had a positive effect on the students because of the pressure he put on the
students to finish their assignments and essays. The narrator says that after the teacher
singled him out as lazy, he spent more hours doing his essay and assignment and engaging
in classwork. Later the narrator could understand every word being spoken in French,
thanks to his French teacher. The scolding and constant correction had a positive effect on
the students.
Language exercise answers
1. The distant amusement park that advertises with billboards.

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1 Running head: Answers Topic: Name: Institution: 2 Running head: Answers Answers to the passage 1. Unfamiliar languages to an individual can pose a challenge especially when one visits a new place. In my previous experience, I have encountered challenges on several occasions when I visit new places and I am not fully acquitted with the language. One memorable experience stands out when I visited Russia for a conference on environmental conservation and management. The speakers tended to switch languages from English to Russian though I was not fully conversant with the Russian language. I struggled to get the key points and maintain the flow of the speech. 2. Many a time people tend to enquire what one gives priority and dislikes. In some situations, especially in learning institutions, individuals are ridiculed for their answers to these questions and sometimes leading to hatred wh ...
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