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Natural Resources and Population Paper

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Mrs. Bailey
Natural Resources and Population
The natural resource I decide to choose is h2o or water. The reason why I decided to choose
water is because it is one of the resources that I know the most about. And one of the few
natural resources that I think about on the daily. It is also a natural resource that I want to learn
about, not just for a scientific reason but also because I want to learn about the many creches
that live under water that we have not seen yet. But in this essay, I will be focusing on the
importance of water in our daily life.
The ocean holds around 97 percent of the heart's water and the other three percent is found in
glaciers and in rivers. Water is a renewable resource due to the five stages of the water cycle.
The water cycles steps are first evaporation, second condensation, third precipitation and lastly
collection. Humans often use water to clean themself or different surfaces. We also used water
in food or to drink if we felt dehydrated. Water can be retrieved rain, rivers or the ocean.
Without water every living thing on earth would cease to exist. With no water plants cannot stay
hydrated and would eventually wither away. With no plant there would be no food for animals
and humans to eat which would throw off the human chain because certain animals only eat
plants. But it is not just plants that need water, animals and humans also need water since it
takes up 5o to 75 percent of our bodies.
Water is integral to existence which is why we will never stop using water. When it comes to
water, I do not think it will ever run out considering it is reusable. Scientists explained that most
of the water that we use is clean and made into water. Even our pee is reused and made into
water so I do not think we will run out. There are really no alternatives to water.
Since almost everything has water in it. We cannot really clean ourselves with anything but
water. But if you are cooking and it says you can use water or milk like in hot chocolate go for
the milk since it uses less water.
I If we want to limit the consumption of water, I will request taking shorter showers. You only
need to shower for 5 to 15 minutes a day, but people usually spend more than that. And turn off
the water while brushing your teeth, only turn it onto your mouth or wet the toothbrush. And if
water does happen to dry up we should lower our use of water. So I do not really believe that
water will ever dry up. We should still lower our intake so I won't have to continuously reuse the
water that we drink.

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Mrs. Bailey Natural Resources and Population Geography 5/23/2020 The natural resource I decide to choose is h2o or water. The reason why I decided to choose water is because it is one of the resources that I know the most about. And one of the few natural resources that I think about on the daily. It is also a natural resource that I want to learn about, not just for a scientific reason but also because I want to learn about the many creches that live under water that we have not seen yet. But in this essay, I will be focusing on the importance of water in our daily life. The ocean holds aroun ...
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