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SOCW 6060 Application of Attachment Theory Case Study

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Application of Attachment Theory to a Case Study
Ivelisse Taylor
Masters of Social Work, Walden University
SOCW 6060: Social Work Theory and Practice
Dr. Angela Wood
June XX, 202X

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Application of Attachment Theory to a Case Study
Assumptions of attachment theory
Attachment theory assumes that early childhood relationships with caregivers
impact the individual's personality and development (Cohen, 2016). It is also believed that a
person' behavior is a response to a sense of protection and stability; therefore, individuals who do
not feel secure will change accordingly.
Identify the problem
In this case study, the problem is a sixteen-year-old , Caucasian female name Tiffani.
Tiffani has been arrested for prostitution and has a history of running away (Lauratel reference).
According to Turner, (2017), attachment systems become activated in conditions of
vulnerability; this includes when children experience separation from their caregiver, (pg.3).
Tiffani's behavior changed once she was separated from her mother. The client's behavior is a
reflection of Bowlby stage theory of children's reaction to prolonged separation; Tiffani had
experienced all the stages; she has been angry, assuming an uncooperative behavior, leading to
(Turner, 2017, (pg.6)
Assessment questions
Are you satisfy with the relationship you are current involve with? Why?
Would you like to work on rebuilding your relationship with your family, especially with your
mother and sister?
What are your feelings towards Donald?
Interventions to address the problem.
According to Turner, (2017), psychotherapy from attachment perspective provides the client
with conditions in which the clients can explore his representational model of himself and his

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1 Application of Attachment Theory to a Case Study Ivelisse Taylor Masters of Social Work, Walden University SOCW 6060: Social Work Theory and Practice Dr. Angela Wood June XX, 202X 2 Application of Attachment Theory to a Case Study Assumptions of attachment theory Attachment theory assumes that early childhood relationships with caregivers impact the individual's personality and development (Cohen, 2016). It is also believed that a person' behavior is a response to a sense of protection and stability; therefore, individuals who do not feel secure will change accordingly. Identify the problem In this case study, the problem is a sixteen-year-old , Caucasian female name Tiffani. Tiffani has been arrested for prostitution and has a history of running away (Lauratel reference). According to Turner, (2017), attachment systems become activated in conditions of vulnerability; this includes when children experience separation from their caregiver, (pg.3). Tiffani's behavior changed once she was separated from her mother. The client's behavior is a reflection of Bowlby stage theory of children's reaction to prolonged separation; Tiffani had experienced all the stages; she has been angr ...
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