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What it Means to Be True Self Analysis

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What it Means to Be True Self

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What it Means to Be Oneself
The idea of 'self' is a contentious issue that philosophers have grappled over the years. In
this regard, there have been many views that have been advanced in a bid to unpack what the
idea of the 'self' means to philosophy. However, there are still many areas about 'self' that need
exploration. There are a number of approaches that attempt to define what it means to be a 'self'.
The 'self' can be understood as the consciousness of a person which informs his natural
behaviour. Therefore, being oneself means acting naturally in a way that asserts a person's innate
identity. Human beings tend to hide their true selves and understand the true self of an
individual. As such, it is critical to establish the right conditions in which the self can be
performed. Such a condition might be the stage where an individual live a flourishing life.
Further, different people are able to bring out their truest self in different circumstances. Good
examples is evident among people who are shy in nature and bring out their true selves in places
without public scrutiny while the confident people are able to perform their true selves under
public scrutiny. The objective of this essay is to support the argument that oneself means
bringing out the innate identity in a performed act whether in a private or in a public space in a
way that sets one apart from the rest of the public.
The truest 'self' should be evident through the act of performance. In this case,
performance is defined by the action where a person expresses thoughts through speech or body
language. The act of performance originates from the deepest subconscious of an individual
since it involves the combination of the body with other physiological elements such as gestures.
In this context, the issue of identity is usually associated with the performed acts and the
expressed emotions. This shows that the idea of true self must be contextualized within the event
of performance under the right conditions. According to William T. O'Donohue, Jane E. Fisher

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1 What it Means to Be True Self Name Course Instructor Date 2 What it Means to Be Oneself The idea of 'self' is a contentious issue that philosophers have grappled over the years. In this regard, there have been many views that have been advanced in a bid to unpack what the idea of the 'self' means to philosophy. However, there are still many areas about 'self' that need exploration. There are a number of approaches that attempt to define what it means to be a 'self'. The 'self' can be understood as the consciousness of a person which informs his natural behaviour. Therefore, being oneself means acting naturally in a way that asserts a person's innate identity. Human beings tend to hide their true selves and understand the true self of an individual. As such, it is critical to establish the right conditions in which the self can be performed. Such a condition might be the stage where an individual live a flourishing life. Further, different people are able to bring out their truest self in different circumstances. Good examples is evident among people who are shy in nature and bring out their true selves in places without public scrutiny while the confident people are able to perform their true selves under public scrutiny. The objective of this essay is to support the argument that oneself means bringing out the innate identity in a performed act whether in a private or in a public space in a way that sets one apart from the rest of the public. The truest 'self' should b ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
