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Business Law and Labor Union Laws Paper

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Business Law and Labor Union Laws
Workers have bodies and unions that give them bargaining power in their employment
sectors. Labor unions have great significance on employees, organizations and even political
systems. A labor union is an organization formulated by employees to serve the purpose of
dealing with employees’ rights in relation to their relationship with their employees. Some of the
factors that labor unions deal with include employee grievances, wages and rates of pay,
employment policies and labor disputes. Trade unions give employees power to improve their
work places and put into consideration the health, safety and general well-being of employees in
workplace areas (Rodgers 53). The paper will analyze labor unions in relation to governing labor
laws to consider employee rights, and give proposals on the effectiveness of labor unions in an
It is evident that labor issues are an embodiment of labor laws governed by trade disputes
act, which deals with trade unions, but was later replaced by International Labor Unions. Under
this Act, the main role of trade unions is described as to serve as the negotiator for better
working conditions and wages for its members. This means that employee involvement in trade
unions is legal as prescribed in the international labor relations. The ILO conventions and its core
labor standards ensures that workers around the world have their rights observed. Every country
has its own additional labor laws (Greenhill et al 679). For example in the US, “The
Occupational Safety Act of 1970 and the National Labor Relations Act, which gives

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employees the right to form, join and engage in trade and labor unions to increase their
bargaining power and have a collective bargaining.
Through these laws, employee have a right to form or join labor unions of their choice to
negotiate for better employment conditions. It is also apparent form labor laws governing trade
unions that the employer is supposed to balance between organizational property and resources
for employee non-work issues in the employer property, which is governed under section 7.
Therefore, employees are allowed by law in a given extent, to practice labor union organizing
actions including communications using organization’s resources (Clark 517). Also, employees
are allowed to distribute literature on company premises such as parking lot concerning union
organizations. Therefore, as afar as distribution and solicitation is concern, the employer is
limited in prohibiting employees from the same with regard to labor unions.
However, the only options that the employer has in limiting the actions of employee
inside work setting with regard to labor union formations are limited to justification. If the
employer is able to give special circumstances to prove that production and efficiency is
hindered or affected by the labor organizing activities (Greenhill et al 679). Also, if the employer
is able to state that the labor organizing activities overwhelms work activities such that employee
take more time than allocated for labor union activities and in the process affects work
production and discipline, the restrictions can be legal. In addition to this, the employer has to
prove that it was distribution and not solicitation. For example if communication was done
spontaneously and in an area expected to invoke reciprocal conversation, then it is permitted, but
if the communication was one-sided then it is distribution and will not be permitted.
Employers are not permitted to do several things and practices in relation to labor union
organization programs. One of the prohibitions include communication to employees on union

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Surname 1 Name Course Professor Date Business Law and Labor Union Laws Workers have bodies and unions that give them bargaining power in their employment sectors. Labor unions have great significance on employees, organizations and even political systems. A labor union is an organization formulated by employees to serve the purpose of dealing with employees’ rights in relation to their relationship with their employees. Some of the factors that labor unions deal with include employee grievances, wages and rates of pay, employment policies and labor disputes. Trade unions give employees power to improve their work places and put into consideration the health, safety and general well-being of employees in workplace areas (Rodgers 53). The paper will analyze labor unions in relation to governing labor laws to consider employee rights, and give proposals on the effectiveness of labor unions in an organization. It is evident that labor issues are an embodiment of labor laws governed by trade disputes act, which deals with trade unions, but was later replaced by International Labor Unions. Under this Act, the main role of trade unions is described as to serve as the negotiator for bett ...
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