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System Architecture and Design Essay

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System Architecture and
Semester Project
Mushahid Zafar Jafri 16008020002
Razi ul Hassan 16008020004
Shahid Nawaz Warraich 16008065019

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Software Systems Architectural Design Foundations
Key Words: Software Systems, Architectural Design, Software Engineering,
Systems Engineering, Design Science, Systems Science, Computer Science
Abstract: Overview of Systems Software Architectural Design based on Schemas
Theory, Special Systems Theory, Meta-systems Theory, Co-Algebras, Mass
Theory and Pervasion Logic, etc.
I have been engaged in a project in the foundations of Software Systems
Architectural Design Foundation and it has been slow progress over the years. But
recently many of the threads have become woven together of the diverse elements
of this attempt to peek into the foundations of Software Engineering Architectural
Design. And this series of working papers will attempt to lay out the results as I see
them now. There are many different disciplines that are implicated in this research
project. There is Software Engineering because the whole project has its roots in
trying to understand in a fundamental way the nature of Software Engineering
Architectural Design. My first thoughts on this subject were captured in Wild
Software Meta-systems
papers. There forth first time I studied Software Ontology
which I believe is rooted in Hyper Being or what Derrida calls Difference
. And I still
believe that
. And it is this ontological position that drives much of what we have to
say about software engineering as an entity within our worldview. But to the extent
that we are talking about Software Systems then we have to recognize the place of
Software Engineering within a more general type of Engineering called Systems
Engineering which is in turn has its basis in Systems Science. Also implicated is
Design Theory as the generalization of the problems of Architectural Design. As we
get deeper than the range of what is covered by these investigations broadens. There
are basically three threads that are intertwined in this braid. There is Design
Science, Systems Science, and Software Ontology implicated in these investigations.
Software Engineers build Software Systems. To the extent that they are Systems then
we must appeal to Systems Science for foundations. To the extent we are talking
about Software Architectural Design then we must appeal to Design Science. And to
the extent we are caught up in a unique new discipline of Software Engineering we
must appeal to what is unique about software which is its ontological basis in Hyper
Being. All these threads weave together in our research interests. But why
concentrate on Software Engineering Architectural Design of Software Systems in
the first place. The answer is first of all it is hard to do and Software Engineers need
foundational help to understand the nature of Architectural Design of Software
Systems. But also, it is a source of new emergent things within our world that offer
new affordances to us and are changing our lives in amazing ways. In many ways,
what we are attempting to do here is bring that more esoteric study down to the
Software Engineering level. In designing Software Systems we are engaged in

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UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY System Architecture and Design Semester Project 6/27/2020 Mushahid Zafar Jafri Razi ul Hassan Shahid Nawaz Warraich 16008020002 16008020004 16008065019 Software Systems Architectural Design Foundations Introduction Key Words: Software Systems, Architectural Design, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Design Science, Systems Science, Computer Science Abstract: Overview of Systems Software Architectural Design based on Schemas Theory, Special Systems Theory, Meta-systems Theory, Co-Algebras, Mass Theory and Pervasion Logic, etc. I have been engaged in a project in the foundations of Software Systems Architectural Design Foundation and it has been slow progress over the years. But recently many of the threads have become woven together of the diverse elements of this attempt to peek into the foundations of Software Engineering Architectural Design. And this series of working papers will attempt to lay out the results as I see them now. There are many different disciplines that are implicated in this research project. There is Software Engineering because the whole project has its roots in trying to understand in a fundamental way the nature of Software Engineering Architectural Design. My first thoughts on this subject were captured in Wild Software Meta-systems1 papers. There forth first time I studied Software Ontology2 which I believe is rooted in Hyper Being or what Derrida calls Difference3. And I still believe that4. And ...
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