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CJ 328 Forensic Fingerprint Analysis Paper

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Purdue University Global
Analytical Review
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Running head: CJ 328 Forensic Fingerprint Analysis 1
Unit 6 Assignment
Alondra Negrete
Purdue University Global

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The power of the AFIS
In the year 1978, a 61-year-old man named Carroll Bonnet was brutally murder at his
apartment. When police found his body, they collected evidence such as latent fingerprints and
palmprints left in the victim's bathroom. They also notice that the victim's car was stolen. When
the investigation started Carroll's, the car was found in Illinois, investigators found additional
latent prints, but the evidence had no new leads. At the time they search against local and state
fingerprint files and even fingerprint request was made to agencies outside Nebraska, but no
matches were found. The case went cold as a result of not finding any leads to the murder of
Carroll Bonnet.
In 2008, the Omaha Police Department re-open the investigation since a new system was
introduced (IAFIS) and was not available in 1978. They run the latent fingerprints, and in less
than five hours, they had possible candidates to compare the evidence. Laura Casey, a technician,
spent several days examining the prints and came up with identification. The murder was said to
be Jerry Watson, and now he was serving time in an Illinois prison on burglary charges. Since
the case was re-open, laboratory technicians and analysts did an extensive examination. They
found out that Jerry Watson lived a few blocks away from where the victim's car was abandoned.
This discovery was made just days before Watson was released from prison.
Based on the identification of prints with Watson and the prints from the crime scene,
authorities requested a DNA sample. After examining the DNA, it determined that the sample
and the DNA found at the crime scene was a match. As a result, Jerry Watson was found guilty
and convicted on October 17, 2011 (33 years later) for the murder of Carroll Bonnet and
sentenced for life in prison. The AFIS demonstrates how technology plays a vital role in fighting
dangerous criminals by putting them behind bars and giving victims the justice they deserve.

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Running head: CJ 328 Forensic Fingerprint Analysis Unit 6 Assignment Alondra Negrete Purdue University Global 1 UNIT 6 ASSIGNMENT 2 2 The power of the AFIS In the year 1978, a 61-year-old man named Carroll Bonnet was brutally murder at his apartment. When police found his body, they collected evidence such as latent fingerprints and palmprints left in the victim's bathroom. They also notice that the victim's car was stolen. When the investigation started Carroll's, the car was found in Illinois, investigators found additional latent prints, but the evidence had no new leads. At the time they search against local and state fingerprint files and even fingerprint request was made to agencies outside Nebraska, but no matches were found. The case went cold as a result of not finding any leads to the murder of Carroll Bonnet. In 2008, the Omaha Police Department re-open the investigation ...
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