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HIST 1302 Twenty Years in the Hull House Essay

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Nana Akosua Amponsah Antwi
History 1302
Professor Elizabeth Bryant
Twenty Years in the Hull House
After the American Civil War, the U.S moved into an era called the Industrial Revolution. This
period elevated America and it was seen as one of the most powerful nations in the world. As a
result of the Industrial Revolution, there was a sudden immigrant population boom in the United
States because most of the immigrants were in search of fortune and greener pastures.
Unfortunately, America didn’t have enough resources to support all those immigrants. Most
immigrants lived in slums which were in bad conditions and these poor immigrants did risky and
bad jobs to earn just a little pay. Although many people come out to help these immigrants, Jane
Addams who was born in September 6, 1860 at Cedarville, Illinois was leading the way in helping
these poor immigrants. Addams saw the need to help the poor and needy and she handed helping
hands to the needy in many ways, like establishing the Hull House.
According to page sixty-five in the Twenty in Hull House book, after Jane Addams’s graduation
from Rockford Seminary, she fell sick and was hospitalized. Following her illness, Jane stayed in
Europe for 2 years before she returned to America. Whilst in Europe, Jane visited a settlement
house in London called Tonybee Hall. Settlement houses were places created to render community
services to the poor. Motivated and inspired by the Tonybee Hall, Jane Addams together with her
friend Ellen Starr created the Hull house in 1889 at Chicago. In page hundred and twenty-five of
the book Jane Addams’s book titled Twenty years in Hull House, she explains that the educational,

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social and financial aspects of America was out of balance. Her goal for creating the Hull house
as explain in page hundred and twenty -five, was to help the destitute especially poor immigrants
to gain opportunities and to help them to integrate to the American society. She believed that aiding
the poor was going to help America grow and improve. Jane believes the settlement house
movement is necessary because its existence helps the social aspect of the political democracy to
function. The settlement houses movement are very essential also because it assists the success of
humanity and it also exhibits good Christianity through humanitarian actions. Addams see these
settlement houses as unique, though she was inspired by the Tonybee hall in London to start her
own settlement houses, it wasn’t the reason to help the less fortunate.
After the immigration boom in America precisely Jane Addams time, were seen as dangerous and
cunning individuals because Americans claimed immigrants came to America to steal their jobs
and cease opportunities meant for Americans. Americans saw immigrants as different because they
spoke different languages, they had different cultures and they did things differently. The fact that
most immigrants were slow in Americanizing made Americans hate immigrants more. Jane’s
specific goals for immigrants in the US was to help them Americanize that is to help them to adapt
to the American culture also to help immigrants to gain have the opportunity to be educated. In the
eleventh chapter titled “Immigrants and children,” Jane talks about how mothers were finding it
difficult to Americanize
and to also relate with their relate with their children because their children were integrating fast.
To bond immigrant mothers and their children Jane decided to make women’s primitive activities
which was available to both immigrant mothers and their children. Jane also had large rooms and
musical facilities for parents and there was also a Hull house Labor Museum that help immigrants
remember their culture and heritage.

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Nana Akosua Amponsah Antwi History 1302 Professor Elizabeth Bryant Twenty Years in the Hull House After the American Civil War, the U.S moved into an era called the Industrial Revolution. This period elevated America and it was seen as one of the most powerful nations in the world. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, there was a sudden immigrant population boom in the United States because most of the immigrants were in search of fortune and greener pastures. Unfortunately, America didn’t have enough resources to support all those immigrants. Most immigrants lived in slums which were in bad conditions and these poor immigrants did risky and bad jobs to earn just a little pay. Although many people come out to help these immigrants, Jane Addams who was born in September 6, 1860 at Cedarville, Illinois was leading the way in helping these poor immigrants. Addams saw the need to help the poor and needy and she handed helping hands to the needy in many ways, like establishing the Hull House. According to page sixty-five in the Twenty in Hull House book, after Jane Addams’s graduation from Rockford Seminary, she fell sick and was hospitalized. Following her illness, Jane stay ...
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