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US Civil War History Discussion

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Nana Akosua Antwi
History Discussion
Professor John Huntington
Part 1
The American civil war is a war that was fought between 1861 to 1865 between the North and
the South of the United states.
How the meaning of the civil war and reconstruction has changed over time particularly for
1) The ideology of the ‘Lost cause’ was created by the southerners which meant their cause
for the southern states fighting the civil war was ‘state right’ instead of ‘slavery’
2) They made Robert Lee a hero …. The Lee cult: Robert was changed to be seen as a
Christian soldier who fought to preserve his home state rather than slavery.
3) Many monuments were put up after the war
4) Removal of statues
How symbols of the civil war like the confederate flag came to represent certain world views:
1)Invocations of the flag were supported by invocations of the confederacy itself
2) White supremacy
3)The flag was seen as an emblem of freedom
4)David French saw the flag as a painful symbol
5)Milt Romney-‘symbol of hatred’
6)Tom Davis, senator of South Carolina said the flag was misappropriated by hate groups

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7)Flag embarrassing to entire USA
The ideology of the “Lost Cause”
1)As the civil war extended, the reason for the existence of the confederacy threatened its
diplomatic efforts and the fight for slavery in the south presented problems abroad hence the
notion of the ‘State rights”….that brought up the ‘Lost cause” Ideology.
2)Confederates were the first to question the ideology
3)The confederate veterans claimed that they didn’t know any cause of the civil war apart from
4) White domination and supremacy was the point of the civil war for Southerners.
5) In the declaration and after the declaration, confederate states explicitly said that they had
seceded in order to preserve slavery.
The issue of slavery in cause of the civil war:
1)Negros feared Klu klux klan than the devil
2) A confederate veteran said the south had the perfect features like good weather for Africans to
work on
3) the south wanted to keep slavery whilst the north wanted to abolish slavery
Part 2
1) How did the civil war hurt the south’s economy
2) What did the ‘Lost cause’ supporters claim about slavery
3) Why did sectional hostilities abate as quickly as they did? What factors led to the

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Nana Akosua Antwi History Discussion Professor John Huntington Part 1 The American civil war is a war that was fought between 1861 to 1865 between the North and the South of the United states. How the meaning of the civil war and reconstruction has changed over time particularly for southerners: 1) The ideology of the ‘Lost cause’ was created by the southerners which meant their cause for the southern states fighting the civil war was ‘state right’ instead of ‘slavery’ 2) They made Robert Lee a hero …. The Lee cult: Robert was changed to be seen as a Christian soldier who fought to preserve his home state rather than slavery. 3) Many monuments were put up after the war 4) Removal of statues How symbols of the civil war like the confederate flag came to represent certain world views: 1)Invocations of the flag were supported by invocations of the confederacy itself 2) White ...
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