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University of Moratuwa CSE Consultants Industrial Training Report

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University of Moratuwa
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UNIVERSITY OF MORATUWA Faculty of Engineering Registered Module No: CE 3992 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS (PVT) LTD From: 24/06/2019 To 08/11/2019 Date of Submission: 12/12/2019 T.V.D.V.K.VITHARANA 160657B Department of Civil Engineering PREFACE This report mainly consists of three chapters. Chapter one consists of Introduction to the training establishment. It contains the information about the training establishment, its main functions, organizational structure. A SWOT analysis of the training establishment’s present performance has also been provided. Chapter two consists of my training experience. It includes the detailed information about the exposure that I had during my training period including duties, assignments, experiences and skills acquired during training period. Chapter three is the conclusion. It consists of the summary of my training experience, information on training establishment’s ability to provide useful training and their enthusiasm to train undergraduates and also the deficiencies and weaknesses of the establishment and my possible suggestions to improve training. Overall, this report is an effort of illustrating the experience and skills I acquired after the completion of my training period. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience the Civil Engineering World and a good path was provided for our future career. T.V.D.V.K.Vitharana 160657B Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, ...
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