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ENG 1020 City Pollution Essay

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Zhai 1
Jiacheng Zhai
Professor Ellis
English 1021
30 October 2018
City pollution
As a resident living in Providence, Rhode Island, I am willing to see the city to be
more prosperous. However, hidden under the beautiful exterior of the city, I currently found a
serious city issue, which is city pollution. I decide to use images to present the pollution
happening around us, and I propose that we should protect our living environment.
Last week, I decided using photos to record the city pollution that occurred around us.
On my way from my home nearby Wickenden Street to the White building, I could easily see
a lot of trashes remained along the side walk. Near the Shell gasoline station, there were
amount of trashes including beer bottles, cigarette butts and plastic boxes left over in a
parking lot. When I kept walking through Point street bridge, I saw that there were some
bottles and plastic bags floating on the Providence river. When I arrived at Dominion Energy
Manchester Street Station, the shrub and grassland in front of the station seemed like a
dumpster. a wide variety of wastes were left over in it, and all of those trashes were
indecomposable, which means that it will destroy urban environment. It made me think about
why people were throwing the trash in a public environment?
In order to testify my hypothesis that there were not enough trash bins for pedestrians
in Providence, I decided to walk to school again as the same route as yesterday. I hold an
apple core and a soy milk bottle departing from my house. Along the way, I did not find any
trash bins until I arrived at the pine street around the White building. It is hard to image that
there are not any trash bins on the 1.2 miles road. The result proved my guess. Another

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Zhai 1 Jiacheng Zhai Professor Ellis English 1021 30 October 2018 City pollution As a resident living in Providence, Rhode Island, I am willing to see the city to be more prosperous. However, hidden under the beautiful exterior of the city, I currently found a serious city issue, which is city pollution. I decide to use images to present the pollution happening around us, and I propose that we should protect our living environment. Last week, I decided using photos to record the city pollution that occurred around us. On my way from my home nearby Wickenden Street to the White building, I coul ...
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