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Understanding of Gender Construction

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Running Head: SOCIOLOGY 1
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Understanding of gender construction
Gender is socially constructed in the sense that it is a product of society, unlike the
biological sex. Society is the determinant of what is considered feminine or masculine or
anything in between. Individuals have the liberty to identify their gender the way they see it
fit. Gender differentiation is affected in learning institutions via two main sources that are:
peers and teachers. They influence gender differentiation directly by giving girls and boys
different opportunities for learning and feedback. The teachers and peers are also gender
learning sources. In society, gender is differentiated by inequalities in access to training and
education where more women than men are illiterate. From a religious perspective, women
are more likely to go to places of worship than men and are more likely to self-report
themselves as being religious.
Traditionally, women caring and nurturing character precisely matches with religious
faith. However, men are socialized to be more dominant in religion than women and usually
take leadership positions. In political institutions, men are socialized to be more dominant
and women are viewed as subordinates. Men are more likely to take leadership positions as
compared to women in society because their contributions are viewed as being more valuable
than those of women (Joshi, 2018).
Significance of gender or sexuality in politics
Politics is a social institution that has seen women greatly side-lined and marginalized
in the past. Some people fear that if gender is not constructed socially, political goals would
lack traction and credibility. It is the high time we move from this notion that gender is
constructed to give an equal contribution to biological nature. Gender equality in politics has
gained pace in the recent past. For effective democracy and good governance in the nation, it
is important to consider gender equality in politics. Despite the continued increase in the

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Running Head: SOCIOLOGY 1 Sociology Student Name Institution Date SOCIOLOGY 2 Understanding of gender construction Gender is socially constructed in the sense that it is a product of society, unlike the biological sex. Society is the determinant of what is considered feminine or masculine or anything in between. Individuals have the liberty to identify their gender the way they see it fit. Gender differentiation is affected in learning institutions via two main sources that are: peers and teachers. They influence gender differentiation directly by giving girls and boys different opportunities for learning and feedback. The teachers and peers are also gender learning sources. In society, gender is differentiated by inequalities in access to training and education where more women than men are illiterate. From a religious perspective, women are more likely to go to places of worship than men and are more likely to self-report themselves as being religious. Traditionally, women caring and nurturing character precisely matches with religious faith. However, men are socialized to be more dominant in religion than women and usually take leadership positions. In political institutio ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
