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Food Critics Paper

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Running Head: FOOD CRITICS 1
Food Critics
Student Name

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Question 1
If I was a restaurant owner or chef and approached by Murphy to be part of the IfOnly, I
won't hesitate to accept the offer. This is because Michael Murphy has a close relationship
with Michael Bauer who is the world's biggest rock star. Associating with Murphy is like
associating with Bauer whose twice-weekly chronicle reviews can change the restaurant's
destiny for the better as well as shape the careers of the chefs. A good review given by him
can lead increase in sales volume. If these reviews are read by editors at food magazines they
would draw the attention of their writers towards the restaurant hence making it to get more
national focus and more business.
Question 2
It is impossible to get a measure of objectivity from critics as their roles are to give
unbiased opinions on your food, taste, and presentation. If I was a chef or an owner of a
restaurant, I would envision having a cordial relationship with food critics who are
influential. This is because their reviews are very powerful and can either derail or build the
reputation of the restaurant depending on the type of review. A good review from the
influential food critics can attract more customers to the restaurant as well as giving a strong
reputation to the chefs of the restaurant (English & Fleischman, 2019).
Most consumers usually view the reviews of various restaurants before visiting the
restaurant and therefore a good review from an influential person would most likely be seen
as authentic and it can greatly impact positively to the profitability of the restaurant. A
negative review by an influential local food critic can be injurious to the restaurant's
reputation and that of the chefs working in the restaurant. The bad reputation of the restaurant
created can lead to a massive decline in the sales volume of the restaurant and hence

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Running Head: FOOD CRITICS 1 Food Critics Student Name Institution Date FOOD CRITICS 2 Question 1 If I was a restaurant owner or chef and approached by Murphy to be part of the IfOnly, I won't hesitate to accept the offer. This is because Michael Murphy has a close relationship with Michael Bauer who is the world's biggest rock star. Associating with Murphy is like associating with Bauer whose twice-weekly chronicle reviews can change the restaurant's destiny for the better as well as shape the careers of the chefs. A good review given by him can lead increase in sales volume. If these reviews are read by editors at food magazines they would draw the attention of their writers towards the restaurant hence making it to get more national focus and more business. Question 2 It is impossible to get a measure of objectivity from critics as their roles are to give unbiased opinions on your food, taste, and presentation. If I was a chef or an owner of a restaurant, I would envision having a cordial relationship with food critics who are influential. This is because their reviews are very powerful and can either derail or build the reputation of the restaurant depending on the type o ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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