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ENG 102 Gun Violence in America Discussion

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Barisuanu Kaanagbara
English 102
Mary Steible
Gun violence in America
What is the need to control the use of guns and why do we need to control use of guns?
Gun control is a list regulation that is meant to protect members of public from obtaining
firearms freely without any restrictions. The need to control guns is to protect public from
bloodbaths and others who have guns for bad intentions. For instances, in America, we hear
about mass shooting almost every day. Like the story of Brian Crowell, he was at his best
friend’s house while being on the phone with his sister. Brian's Friend showed him the gun that
he recently found in his mother's room. Sprained thought he had removed all of the bullets from
the chamber but one still remained. While playing she pulled back the chamber and heard a click
he thought was an unloaded by. Eventually, Brian was shot in the neck while Brian was about to
end his call with his sister. Brian’s last words being “I can’t believe you shot me (Marie Crowell).
Many tragic stories of young people dying before their time. Nonetheless, the question remains,
when Americans are going to step up to try to do the right thing? The effect of gun violence goes
far beyond the violence itself but the fact that it affects millions of Americans who have
witnessed it, who knows someone close to them that has been shot, and even the fear that they
might be part of the next tragic shooting. This crisis will not end unless we make lawmakers
Enact laws that can make America safer.
Why is there much gun violence in America? To properly understand this phenomenon,
we must first grasp the alarming statistics about the ownership of guns and gun violence in

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America, while also understanding the unique relationship that the US has with guns. Gun
violence has taken the United States by storm with the number of mass shootings, homicides,
accidental deaths and suicides. That does not mean America is like other developed countries
when it comes to the topic of guns. As Chan (26-27) contends, having and owning a gun has
become part of American culture. This culture has continued to drive gun violence that will
forever affect the American people unless a Solution has been found that can benefit everyone
and try to lower it. With the right legislation in place, I believe the level of deaths from guns can
be reduced.
Other developed countries across the globe do not even come nearer America when it
comes to the rate of gun violence. However, the issue of controlling guns in America is unique
when compared to other developed countries. Guns are a large part of the American culture
dating back to when the Constitution was created and gave the American people the right to bear
arms. Could the founding fathers have predicted the level of violence from guns will become so
detrimental to the citizens living in America? If so, then the gun crisis in the U.S. needs to be
resolved by resetting the proper legislation.
In order to understand a gun crisis in America, the .U.S Citizens must look at the
statistics comparing gun violence in America to other developed countries. As Desaulnier states,
“The U.S. firearm homicide rate is twenty times higher than the combined rates of twenty two
developed countries”. This stat shows that the amount of bloodshed with Firearms is not
happening at a reasonable level. Although gun violence in America needs is at extreme levels
compared to the rest of the developing world, there is still nothing being done to reduce those
numbers. There have been no significant actions put in place to potentially prevent the next
horrifying story.

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Surname 1 Barisuanu Kaanagbara 10/25/2019 English 102 Mary Steible Gun violence in America What is the need to control the use of guns and why do we need to control use of guns? Gun control is a list regulation that is meant to protect members of public from obtaining firearms freely without any restrictions. The need to control guns is to protect public from bloodbaths and others who have guns for bad intentions. For instances, in America, we hear about mass shooting almost every day. Like the story of Brian Crowell, he was at his best friend’s house while being on the phone with his sister. Brian's Friend showed him the gun that he recently found in his mother's room. Sprained thought he had removed all of the bullets from the chamber but one still remained. While playing she pulled back the chamber and heard a click he thought was an unloaded by. Eventually, Brian was shot in the neck while Brian was about to end his call with his sister. Brian’s last words being “I can’t believe you shot me (Marie Crowell). Many tragic stories of young people dying before their time. Nonetheless, the question remains, when Americans are going to step up to try to do the right thing? The effect of gun violence goes far beyond the violence itself but the fact that it affects millions of Americans who have witnessed it, who knows someone close to them that has been shot, and even the fear that they might be part of the next tragic shooting. This crisis will not end unless we make law ...
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