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An Exploration of Rights Paper

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Running Head: An Exploration of Human Rights 1
An Exploration of Human Rights
Institutional Affiliation:

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An Exploration of Rights 2
An Exploration of Rights
Human rights may be defined as the values and morals that allow human beings to live
and enjoy life with freedom, peace, and justice. Human rights originated from the United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as well as convention rights (Schulz, 2009).
United Nations adopted The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 as a result of the
word war two (WW2) experiences. This was done to ensure that such killings that took place
during World War Two will not happen again. In due course, the world leaders embraced these
rights assuring United Nations Charter that individual rights would be upheld.
According to Donnelly (1982), human rights are fundamental as they echo and reveal the
slightest ethics and principles necessary for the lives of people with self-respect. The reasons are
simply meant to give people the freedom to decide on how they want to live, what kind of
governance they wish to support as well as freedom to express their views. As well, human rights
should reassure that people of a nation or a state are contented with basic needs such as food,
education, and housing. In my view, from the bill of rights, there some human rights which I
think are essential by the fact that human beings need them. Even though some states can make
laws regarding the protection of human rights, I believe that God grants human rights. For
instance, there some rights and powers that would exist even without rules and regimes in place.
They include; the right to live the way we want, the right to freedom and liberation, the right to
search for happiness, right for one to live life free of discrimination, the right to fair trial, the
right to freely express yourself and acquaintance, right to be free from any form of slavery and
torture, and right not to be arraigned in any court of law or any prosecution (Donnelly, 1982). In
my opinion, these rights are worldwide, and universal would still be accepted as basics,
essentials, and absolute and all nations across the globe should uphold them.

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Running Head: An Exploration of Human Rights An Exploration of Human Rights Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: 1 2 An Exploration of Rights An Exploration of Rights Human rights may be defined as the values and morals that allow human beings to live and enjoy life with freedom, peace, and justice. Human rights originated from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as well as convention rights (Schulz, 2009). United Nations adopted The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 as a result of the word war two (WW2) experiences. This was done to ensure that such killings that took place during World War Two will not happen again. In due course, the world leaders embraced these rights assuring United Nations Charter that individual rights would be upheld. According to Donnelly (1982), human rights are fundamental as they echo and reveal the slightest et ...
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