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Social Change and the Future Reflection Paper

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Social Science
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Earlyn Pierre
Reflection Paper Ch.14 and 16
Applied Sociology
Dr.Gurbuz Suheyl
Chapter 14; Social Change and the Future was focused on viewing social change through
the future. Specifically understanding the present and future social reality, the importance of the
future and creating a vision for the future to guide human action. In the chapter the future was
defined as a time and state of being beyond the present. We use visions of the future to help us
plan for said future. To keep things in life consistent it is better to have an idea of what things are
going to be like. In thinking we utilize to types. “Thinking inside the box” and “Thinking outside
the box”. In thinking inside the box, we look for ideas about a problem that are determined by
the social situation in which the problem exists, and by how others have thought in the past about
the problem. Whilst in thinking outside the box we look for ideas about a problem that are not
bound to place, time, or people.
Sociologists refer to widespread sets of internalized beliefs as paradigms. Paradigms
direct how groups of people think and act. As such, a paradigm is a box. We use these boxes to
understand the present and the future. Other important definitions of the chapter include; Driving
forces that was defined as social forces that have the greatest impact on reality. Also, Cultural
bound; being tied to the culturally learned definition of reality, space, and time that grounds and
limits our ability to view reality. This is important because it helps shape our view of society.
I found Chapter 16; Making a Difference with Sociology to be a very practical chapter
that is easily applied to everyday life. It was focused on identifying applicable job titles and skill
sets while explaining the value of meaningful work and how to get involved in the community.

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Earlyn Pierre Reflection Paper Ch.14 and 16 Applied Sociology Dr.Gurbuz Suheyl Chapter 14; Social Change and the Future was focused on viewing social change through the future. Specifically understanding the present and future social reality, the importance of the future and creating a vision for the future to guide human action. In the chapter the future was defined as a time and state of being beyond the present. We use visions of the future to help us plan for said future. To keep things in life consistent it is better to have an idea of what things are going to be like. In thinking we uti ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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