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Family Review and Interview Paper

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Earlyn Pierre
The Family
Interview & Report 2
May 2019
Questions asked during the interview process:
1. What type of family did you grow up in?
2. Who was the breadwinner of the household?
3. Which parent made the important decisions?
4. Did your mother have a choice as to whether she’d work or be a stay at home mother?
5. How is your current family structure different from the one you grew up in?
I chose these questions because I was interested in the topic of family structure and
gender. Specifically finding out how the family structure has changed over time. Week 8 was
focused on Inequalities in gender. I decided to further illustrate inequalities in gender through
family structure while tying it to the readings by Chesley; Gender, couple dynamics and social
change and Gerson; Moral dilemma, moral strategies and the transformation of gender.
I asked these questions to two adults; A divorced 50-year-old mother of 4 kids and a
cohabiting 30-year-old man with no children. Both individuals grew up in a nuclear family with
both parents present where the father was the breadwinner. Both of their fathers were also the
ones that made most of the bigger more important decisions on behalf of the family. For the
single mother she expressed how it was customary for mothers to be in the farms in the morning
with their husband then come home and take care of the children while the men went on to other
work. The gentle man’s mother worked but once they had children, she became a stay at home

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mom. Both of their family structures are different from what they grew up with. The gentle man
shares all responsibilities and decision making with his partner. Whilst the formally married
woman said her husband was the breadwinner and made most of the decisions but now, she’s
forced to be the breadwinner and head of her household.
The article from week 8 by Gerson; Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies and the
transformation of gender touch on how the social organization of moral responsibility has
expected women to seek personal development by caring for other. This was evident while
interviewing the single mother. Her mothers role in the family was solely to take care of the
family and so was her role when she was married. It wasn’t about her independent achievements.
We saw this as the traditional way, but times have changed. Women are now fulfilling their
independent achievements while still taking care of their families. In past readings by Hays and
others we’ve seen the controversy this balance has caused and the way it has changed how
society looks at working mothers as not doing enough for their children.
The mother of the gentleman as mentioned before became a stay at home mom after
having children, He explained that even though it was customary in their culture for women to be
the ones taking care of the home, it was more economical because the father made more money.
The article by Chesley talked about the factors that play into the decision behind which parent
stays home. Two main reasons why the fathers in the article became stay at home dads was due
to their job conditions and them wanting to do it. Most times we hear about women being stay at
home moms its normally because day care is too expensive or because that’s just the way things
are. The article highlighted the difference between stay at home moms and dads. We more so see
stay at home dads as something normal in middle and upper class while it is not so common in

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Earlyn Pierre The Family Interview & Report 2 1st May 2019 Questions asked during the interview process: 1. What type of family did you grow up in? 2. Who was the breadwinner of the household? 3. Which parent made the important decisions? 4. Did your mother have a choice as to whether she’d work or be a stay at home mother? 5. How is your current family structure different from the one you grew up in? I chose these questions because I was interested in the topic of family structure and gender. Specifically finding out how the family structure has changed over time. Week 8 was focused on Inequalities in gender. I decided to further illustrate inequalities in gender through family structure while tying it to the readings by Chesley; Gender, couple dynamics and social change and Gerson; Moral dilemma, moral strategies and the transformation of gender. I asked these questions to two adult ...
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