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HUM 115 UOP Reason, Emotion and Communication in Critical Thinking

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HUM/115 v9
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Reason, Emotion and
Communication in Critical Thinking
Review the definitions from THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life provided below:
Reason is the process of supporting a claim or conclusion on the basis of evidence. It involves both
the disciplined use of intelligence and the application of rules for problem solving.
Emotion is the experience of feelings such as happiness, grief, or fear, as opposed to cognitive states
of consciousness.
Emotion in Critical Thinking
1. Provide an example of when you have used reason to assist with critical thinking and discuss how it
affected the outcome of the situation (your response should be 75-125 words long).
I am currently an employee of a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the quality of life in
greater Cleveland through neighborhood revitalization, affordable housing, and integrated social
services. One of the programs we offer is a lease to purchase program in which we took on a new
project of building 30 new homes, giving families or individuals the opportunity of preparing for
homeownership while renting for a certain amount of time. I had the thought that leasing one of the
homes would be a great opportunity for myself and my daughter for several reasons. One reason
being when I moved to Ohio, it was for a relationship that ended badly shortly after. I have no family
or friends here that are able to support me whenever there is an emergency at my daughter’s school
or daycare so I am rushing a half hour away with traffic to get to her in time to assess the situation.
The new homes are being built within 5 minutes of my place of employment, so putting her in a
school that is within the same perimeters of my job and home would ease my mind tremendously.
Another reason I believe applying for the new homes would be a great opportunity is the fact that I
live a good way away from my job and so I am paying for before and aftercare to take and pick her
up from school so that I am able to get to work on time and leave at my scheduled time which is
after she gets out of school and that sometimes get hard as a single parent with no assistance.
Relocating closer to work will allow me the time to take and pick her up from school even if that
means to bring her to my job for that last minutes of my shift, but doing so will be a huge burden
lifted from my shoulders. The last reason applying for the new homes would be a great opportunity
is due to the fact that the only family member I have here is my grandmother who underwent lung
surgery for developed cancer and lives within walking distance of my job, so I will be a huge support
to her as well, and it is not always easy to attend to her when I am across town in a different city, or
have to make sure my daughter is picked up from daycare in time. I have used reason in this
situation to determine if in fact I should apply which affected the outcome by me taking the
necessary steps to apply for the housing and me ultimately getting approved and awaiting the
construction of the home’s finalization.

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HUM/115 v9 Reason, Emotion and Communication in Critical Thinking Worksheet Review the definitions from THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life provided below: Reason is the process of supporting a claim or conclusion on the basis of evidence. It involves both the disciplined use of intelligence and the application of rules for problem solving. Emotion is the experience of feelings such as happiness, grief, or fear, as opposed to cognitive states of consciousness. Emotion in Critical Thinking 1. Provide an example of when you have used reason to assist with critical think ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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