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Health Care and Communication Questions

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Health & Medical
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1. Illnesses are believed to be caused by? Germs, viruses, or stress.
2. What attitude creates a barrier to health care? When you believe that your culture and
way of life is the best, and everyone should think and do things the same way as you.
3. When do misunderstandings occur? When care providers lack respect for cultural
differences, or are not aware of how cultural factors influence the overall success of
4. Illnesses may be seen as a ____________ or a _____________. Punishment, curse
5. The most important factors in delivering culturally competent care are? Have an open
mind, be accepting, and respectful of another culture.
6. Some cultures believe illness is caused by? Hot or cold imbalances.

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Communication 1. Illnesses are believed to be caused by? Germs, viruses, or stress. 2. What attitude creates a barrier to health care? When you believe that your culture and way of life is the best, and everyone should think and do things the same way as you. 3. When do misunderstandings occur? When care providers lack respect for cultural differences, or are not aware of how cultural factors influence the overall success of healthcare. 4. Illnesses may be seen as a ____________ or a _____________. Punishment, curse 5. The most important factors in delivering culturally competent care are? ...
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