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PSY 320 Health Psychology Exam 3 Study Guide

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Psychology 320: Health Psychology, Spring 2017 (Instructor: Leong)
Exam 3 Study Guide
Chapter 8
1. Describe the social and psychological factors that influence the recognition and interpretation of
2. Define illness representations and illness schema, and explain their influence on the interpretation
of symptoms.
3. Describe the nature and function of disease prototypes.
4. Describe the nature and function of the lay referral network.
5. Describe the use of the Internet as a lay referral network.
6. Describe the demographic factors that predict the use of health services.
7. Describe the sociocultural factors that predict the use of health services.
8. Explain why people misuse health services for emotional disturbances.
9. Explain the nature and consequences of delay behavior.
Chapter 9
1. Describe the structure of the health care delivery system.
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of private, fee-for-service care, and health maintenance
3. Describe the changes that have contributed to patient dissatisfaction in managed care.
4. Describe factors inherent in the medical setting that influence the quality of patient-provider
5. Explain the relationship of patient-provider communication to malpractice litigation.
6. Describe providers’ behaviors that contribute to faulty patient-provider communication.
7. Describe patient factors that contribute to faulty patient-provider communication.
8. Describe qualities of the provider-patient interaction that contribute to faulty communication.
9. Describe the prevalence and assessment of nonadherence to treatment regimens.
10. Describe the causes of nonadherence to treatment regimens.
11. Define creative nonadherence and the factors that contribute to creative nonadherence to treatment
12. Describe the nature and effectiveness of interventions designed to teach providers how to
communicate effectively with patients.
13. Describe the nature and effectiveness of strategies for improving patient adherence to treatment
14. Describe the various structures and functions of the hospital setting.
15. Describe the impact of hospitalization on the patients.
16. Describe the various factors to consider when designing an intervention to increase information in
the hospital setting.
17. Describe the factors that affect the hospitalized child, and how to prepare children for medical

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Psychology 320: Health Psychology, Spring 2017 (Instructor: Leong) Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Describe the social and psychological factors that influence the recognition and interpretation of symptoms. Define illness representations and illness schema, and explain their influence on the interpretation of symptoms. Describe the nature and function of disease prototypes. Describe the nature and function of the lay referral network. Describe the use of the Internet as a lay referral network. Describe the demographic factors that predict the use of health services. D ...
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