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PSY 320 Using Health Services Study Notes Exam III

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Psychology 320: Health Psychology, Spring 2017 (Instructor: Leong)
Exam 3 Study Guide
Chapter 8
1. Describe the social and psychological factors that influence the recognition and interpretation of
Recognition of symptoms
o Individual differences
Hypochondriacs believe normal bodily symptoms are indicators of illness
People who convert distress into physical Symptoms: commonly back
pain, joint pain, pain in the extremities, headache, abdominal symptoms,
CV symptoms
Women are not more likely than men to report symptoms
Older people report more symptoms than young people
Neurotic people either exaggerate symptoms or are more attentive to real
o Attentional Differences
People who are focused on themselves are quicker to notice symptoms
People with more distractions and who attend less to themselves
experience fewer symptoms than people who have little activity in their
o Situational Factors
Boring situations make people more attentive to symptoms
Medical Students’ Disease
Students believing they are ill with the same illness about which
they are studying
o Stress
Stress-related physiological changes are interpreted as symptoms of illness
o Mood
Affects perception about symptoms and perceived vulnerability to illness
Interpretation of Symptoms
o Prior-Experience
Common disorders are regarded as less serious than rare disorders
o Expectations
Unexpected symptoms are ignored and expected symptoms are amplified
o Seriousness of the symptoms
Treatment is sought only when the symptom:
Affects a highly valued body part
Causes pain
2. Define illness representations and illness schema, and explain their influence on the interpretation
of symptoms.
Illness Representations or schemas

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o An organized set of beliefs about an illness or a type of illness, including its nature,
cause, duration, and consequences
Commonsense model of illness
o Argues that people hold implicit commonsense about their symptoms and illnesses
Can influence people’s preventative health behaviors, their reactions when they experience
or are diagnosed with illness, their adherence to treatment recommendations, their
expectations for their future health, and their health outcomes
Includes basic information about an illness
o Identity-Name of the illness
o Causes-Factors believed to have led to the illness
Consequences-Symptoms, treatments, and their implications for quality of life
Time line- Length of time the illness is expected to last
Control/cure- Whether the person believes the illness can be managed or cured
Coherence- How well these beliefs represent the disorder
3. Describe the nature and function of disease prototypes.
Acute Illness
o Believed to be caused by viral or bacterial agents
o Short in duration, with no long-term consequences
o Ex. Flu
Chronic Illness
o Believed to be caused by multiple factors
o Long in duration, often with severe consequences
Cyclic Illness
o Alternating period of either no symptoms or many symptoms
o Ex. Herpes
4. Describe the nature and function of the lay referral network.
Family and friends who offer their own interpretations of symptoms way before treatment
is sought
Advice is offered regarding:
o What the symptom means
o Advisability of seeking medical treatment
o Various home remedies
In many communities, the lay referral network is the preferred mode of treatment
o Powerful lay figure, such as an older women who has had many children, may act
as a lay practitioner
5. Describe the use of the Internet as a lay referral network.
2/3 of internet users have used it to find health information
o more than ½ of them say it improved the way they took care of themselves
Many physicians depend on It for the most up-to-date information on illnesses and
The internet constitutes a lay referral network of its own
6. Describe the demographic factors that predict the use of health services.
Age-Infants and the elderly use it most frequently

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Psychology 320: Health Psychology, Spring 2017 (Instructor: Leong) Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 8 1. 2. Describe the social and psychological factors that influence the recognition and interpretation of symptoms. • Recognition of symptoms o Individual differences ▪ Hypochondriacs believe normal bodily symptoms are indicators of illness ▪ People who convert distress into physical Symptoms: commonly back pain, joint pain, pain in the extremities, headache, abdominal symptoms, CV symptoms ▪ Women are not more likely than men to report symptoms ▪ Older people report more symptoms than young people ▪ Neurotic people either exaggerate symptoms or are more attentive to real symptoms o Attentional Differences ▪ People who are focused on themselves are quicker to notice symptoms ▪ People with more distractions and who attend less to themselves experience fewer symptoms than people who have little activity in their lives o Situational Factors ▪ Boring situations make people more attentive to symptoms ▪ Medical Students’ Disease ➢ Students believing they are ill with the same illness about which they are studying o Stress ▪ Stress-related physiological changes are interpreted as symptoms of illness o Mood ▪ Affects perception about symptoms and perceived vulnerability to illness • Interpretation of Symptoms o Prior-Experience ▪ Common disorders are regarded as less serious than rare disorders o Expectations ▪ Unexpected symptoms are ignored and expected ...
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