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CNDV 5311 LU Adlerian Theoretical Approaches Jen Case Study

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Lamar University
Case Study
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Application of Adlerian Theoretical Approaches to Conceptualize the Case Scenario of Jen
Madeleine E. Vaughters
CNDV 5311 Section M01 Individual Counseling Theory Techniques
Lamar University

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Application of Adlerian Theoretical Approaches to Conceptualize the Case Scenario of Jen
Through this week’s curriculum, the class was introduced to several different theoretical
approaches to the profession of counseling. One set of the theories were those of Alfred Adler,
who drew upon Sigmund Freud’s workings to develop Individual Psychology. The aim of this
paper is to apply Adlerian approaches to the case scenario of Jen, a sophomore in college who is
looking to work through her past issues with abandonment to be able to move forward with
healthy and functional relationship with men in her adult life.
Presenting Concern
When deciding which theoretical approach to utilize for this assignment, there were
several factors to consider. One of the big factors in picking Adler’s theory over Freud was that
Adler focuses on the psychosocial aspect of human behavior, with an emphasis on family
dynamics and social context (Seligmen & Reichenberg, 2014, p. 63). The case scenario of Jen
deals with how her family dynamic changed and how she believes that this is effecting her ability
to have functional and trusting romantic relationships with men in her adult life. With Adlerian
counseling, the focus would be on how she can change her goals and her life.
Jen is a young college student who is beginning to explore the already complicated world
of romantic relationships, and is worried about how her relationships will pan out due to past
issues with her father. Jen explains that when she was younger, her parents split due to infidelity
on her father’s part. Initially she, like many children, placed blame on herself for the dissolution
of her parents’ marriage. Although her father did move out and remarry, their relationship
remained open and he was supportive. A few years later, the situation changed when her father
and step mother had twin boys. Within a short time of this large life change for her father, he
also relocated to a new state. With her father leaving, Jen felt abandoned by her father for his

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Running head: ADLERIAN APPLICATION TO CASE SCENARIO Application of Adlerian Theoretical Approaches to Conceptualize the Case Scenario of Jen Madeleine E. Vaughters CNDV 5311 Section M01 Individual Counseling Theory Techniques Lamar University 1 ADLERIAN APPLICATION TO CASE SENARIO 2 Application of Adlerian Theoretical Approaches to Conceptualize the Case Scenario of Jen Through this week’s curriculum, the class was introduced to several different theoretical approaches to the profession of counseling. One set of the theories were those of Alfred Adler, who drew upon Sigmund Freud’s workings to develop Individual Psychology. The aim of this paper is to apply Adlerian approaches to the case scenario of Jen, a sophomore in college who is looking to work through her past issues with abandonment to be able to move forward with healthy and functional relationship with men in her adult life. Presenting Concern When deciding which theoretical approach to utilize for this assignment, there were several factors to consider. One of the big factors in picking Adler’s theory over Freud was that Adler focuses on the psychosocial aspect of human behavior, with an emphasis on family dynamics and social context (Seligmen & Reichenberg, 2014, p. 63). The case scenario of Jen deals with how her family dynamic changed and how she believes that this is effecting her ability to have functional and trusting romantic relationships with men in her adult life. With Adlerian counseling, the ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
