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Our Future Selfs by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen Engaging the Text

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1) Schmidt and Cohen portray the impact of technology as life changing to many individuals, as they say
“Soon everyone on earth will be connected”. The innovations they are looking forward to are
providing internet to everyone around the world and providing cell phones. These advantages will
allow for families and friends to communicate with each other around the world with ease, it will
assist population of poor countries with educational tools for proper learning, also it will provide an
international market for job seekers.
2) The Authors see technology changing global human relations by blurring economic disadvantages
when it comes to technology when made affordable. To a certain extent, I do think that greater
connectivity could possibly make the world politically, culturally, and economically a better place, if
the objectives are to even out the playing field” as mentioned in the article. However, there has been
many technological innovations in my life time and it has not improved any of the worlds’ or the
countries’ political, cultural, or economic issues. If anything, the “playing field” is more divided than
3) Technology has played an important role in my education thus far. Online classes have given me the
opportunity to retake control of my education while being home with my children. I am actually much
more successful with online classes than on campus classes. Even though I am not VERY familiar with
Kahn Academy methods I do not agree with Schmidt and Cohen, more technology in the classroom
doesn’t necessarily mean there will be more critical thinking or problem solving because all the
information anyone can ever need is online, very accessible. However, assignments can be done
better, research can be done much faster and accurately.
4) I believe technologies can bring many advantages to the medical field most of all. But to be honest, I
personally do not need a holographic tv, a driverless car or electronic memory aids. I do not wish to
live in that world and hope to have the option not to, if it happens in my life time. I also feel that if
people let technology take over their lives in such non-autonomous behavior we will regress as a
society and rational humans. There has to be a balance.

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OUR FUTURE SELFS BY ERIC SCHMIDT AND JARED COHEN ENGAGING THE TEXT 1) Schmidt and Cohen portray the impact of technology as life changing to many individuals, as they say “Soon everyone on earth will be connected”. The innovations they are looking forward to are providing internet to everyone ar ...
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