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ENG 101 4441 Unfetter Education Essay

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Silva 1
Diana Silva
Professor Marlene Warda
English 101 - 4441
June 19, 2020
Unfetter Education
Does the traditional school system genuinely educate students, or does it merely provide
basic knowledge? Most of us have attended public schools and have acquired important basic
academic knowledge like mathematics, literature, and science. Through the success stories of
several unschooled individuals, it has been shown that traditional school systems assimilate an
ineffective manufacturing educational model repressing individuality and innovation. The
traditional school system is not essential to achieve a successful education.
In the essay “Against School” written by John Taylor Gatto, one does not need to attend
the traditional school system for twelve years and graduate from a secondary school in order to
have a successful education. Many individuals with distinguished accomplishments have reached
their potential without conventional schooling, such as President’s “George Washington,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Someone taught them, to be sure,
but they were not products of a school system, and not one of them was ever “graduated” from a
secondary school.” Why is that? Because each and every one of those individuals were encouraged
to pursue their interests by developing their individuality and creativity. According to an article
written by Ben Renner, study shows the average American uses only 37% of knowledge and skills
learned in high school in their day to day lives. 9 out of 10 participants agree life would be much
easier if more practical skills were taught. For example, 57% of respondents wish they had learned
specific money management and budgeting skills. 42% wish they had learned how to manage their

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Silva 2
emotional and mental wellbeing. The inadequate standardized methods in traditional school
system are the leading reason why the average person does not feel that they truly grasp “adult
life skills until they’re 29 years old” (Renner) .
Many alternative educational methods are progressively more common, which can provide
children with a successful education specifically designed to encourage individuality. A recent
article written by Jose Nino titled Alternatives to Public Education are Growing, Nino identifies
other alternative educational methods besides traditional public school. Alternatives like Charter
schools, online school programs, and home schooling curriculums where parents have the
opportunity to manipulate teaching methods. Students can choose from different interest areas to
learn at their own pace. Depending on their developmental stages as opposed to age groups. There
are more elective subjects available online than there are in traditional schools due to constant
budget cuts. The writer also mentions “online school programs are great support for parents who
wish to homeschool their children, but do not have the resources to do so” (Nino). Moreover, Nino
cites the following statistics presented by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES),
the number of homeschoolers in the U.S. grew from 850,000 in 1999 to 1.7 million in 2016
(Nino). These numbers confirm the positive impact of alternative education and how many
families are choosing online or home schooling programs instead of the traditional school
The way traditional schooling is designed there seems to be no room for passion or
creativity which comes as a tremendous disadvantage to children and students in general. Referring
to Ken Robinson in one of his presentations, he states the following:
We have to go from what is essentially an industrial model of education, a manufacturing
model, which is based on linearity and conformity and batching people. We have to move

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Silva 1 Diana Silva Professor Marlene Warda English 101 - 4441 June 19, 2020 Unfetter Education Does the traditional school system genuinely educate students, or does it merely provide basic knowledge? Most of us have attended public schools and have acquired important basic academic knowledge like mathematics, literature, and science. Through the success stories of several unschooled individuals, it has been shown that traditional school systems assimilate an ineffective manufacturing educational model repressing individuality and innovation. The traditional school system is not essential to achieve a successful education. In the essay “Against School” written by John Taylor Gatto, one does not need to attend the traditional school system for twelve years and graduate from a secondary school in order to have a successful education. Many individuals with distinguished accomplishments have reached their potential without conventional schooling, such as President’s “George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Someone taught them, to be sure, but they were not products of a school system, and not one of them was ever “graduated” from a secondary school.” Why is that? Because each and every one of those individuals were encouraged to pursue their interests by developing their individuality and creativity. According to an article written by Ben Renner, study shows the average American uses only 37% of knowledge and skills learned in hi ...
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