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Sharpen the Saw Industry Readiness & Company Research Questions

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Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (10 points)
1. Do you feel you can commit to an hour a day of saw-sharpening? What will be
your biggest obstacle?
I have a strong feeling of committing an hour per day to sharpen the saw. It will also
spare my time because it will move faster hence making my efforts more effective and
productive. Sharpening the saw will enable me to live a healthy balanced life that entails
exercising all the four dimensions of nature wisely, regularly, and in a balanced manner. My
biggest obstacle in sharpening the saw will be the time factor. Getting sufficient time to
sharpen the saw is a big challenge due to the daily commitments.
2. Which of the four dimensions do you focus on? Which do you tend to forget
Of the four dimensions, I will focus more on the physical dimension because it involves
effective care for my physical body hence protecting me from health problems (Covey &
Covey, 2020). I tend to forget about the mental dimension because I spend most of my time
in the workplace giving me little time to read or watch education programs over televisions or
books and magazines.
Inside-Out Again
1. How will the 7 Habits help you in the future? How do you think you can improve
your development of the 7 Habits?
The seven habits of effective people will help me to lead my life productively and
effectively. They will help me learn how to take initiatives, improve my interpersonal
communication, and teach me how to focus on critical priorities with an outcome-oriented

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Running Head: REFLECTION 1 Reflection Student Name Institution Date REFLECTION 2 Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (10 points) 1. Do you feel you can commit to an hour a day of saw-sharpening? What will be your biggest obstacle? I have a strong feeling of committing an hour per day to sharpen the saw. It will also spare my time because it will move faster hence making my efforts more effective and productive. Sharpening the saw will enable me to live a healthy balanced life that entails exercising all the four dimensions of nature wisely, regularly, and in a balanced manner. My biggest obstacle in sharpening the saw will be the time factor. Getting sufficient time to sharpen the saw is a big challenge due to the daily commitments. 2. Which of the four dimensions do you focus on? Which do you tend to forget about? Of the four dimensions, I will focus more on the physical dimension because it involves effective care for my physical body hence protecting me from health problems (Covey & Covey, 2020). I tend to forget about the mental dimension because I spend most of my time in the workplace giving me little time to read or watch education programs over televisions or books and magazines. Inside-Out Again 1. How will the 7 Habits help you in the future? How do you think you can improve your development of the 7 Habits? The seven habits of effective people will help me to lead my life productively and effectively. They will help me learn how to take initiatives, improve my in ...
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