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Wal Mart Company Financial Data Paper

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Running Head: WAL-MART 1
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Data analysis plays a vital role in decision making within a company. It provides
insight into decisions based on improving the efficiency and productivity of the company.
This enables intelligent decision making by providing infrastructure of data, business
processes, data tools, and visualization. In this case, we will study and analyse the financial
data of Wal-Mart that uses the strategy of cost leadership. This strategy makes Wal-Mart rely
more on sales volume rather than huge profit margins for its success. The strategy is also easy
to copy by the competitors (Ellickson, 2016).
Areas of improvement
Wal-Mart should improve its HR management standards and also the quality of its
products to improve the performance of the firm. Wal-Mart should also consider expanding
its business to exploit all the economic opportunities available in the developing markets.
Wal-Mart should improve the customers' shopping experience by stocking the shelves
overnight to ensure that the customers get all they need throughout the day. It should
strengthen its shopping skills and ensure the stores are well merchandised, clean, tidy, and
managers operating them are well engaged. Another area of improvement is on the inventory
Wal-Mart should ensure it gets its inventory right by planning better and cutting down
the prices of the items nearing their expiry to avoid shrinkage. The quantity of inventory and
its flow require attention which also delivers value to the consumers. Wal-Mart also needs to
re-evaluate the layout and design of the stores in both the neighborhood and supercentres
formats such as the ease of navigation, temperature, and store lighting. Wal-Mart should also
integrate both physical and digital retail. It should improve the store pick up areas and
grocery home shopping on the over 4,500 stores that are 10 miles from about the residential

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Running Head: WAL-MART 1 Wal-Mart Student’s Name Institution Date WAL-MART 2 Introduction Data analysis plays a vital role in decision making within a company. It provides insight into decisions based on improving the efficiency and productivity of the company. This enables intelligent decision making by providing infrastructure of data, business processes, data tools, and visualization. In this case, we will study and analyse the financial data of Wal-Mart that uses the strategy of cost leadership. This strategy makes Wal-Mart rely more on sales volume rather than huge profit margins for its success. The strategy is also easy to copy by the competitors (Ellickson, 2016). Areas of improvement “Wal-Mart should improve its HR management standards and also the quality of its products to improve the performance of the firm. Wal-Mart should also consider expanding its business to exploit all the economic opportunities available in the developing markets. Wal-Mart should improve the customers' shopping experience by stocking the shelves overnight to ensure that the customers get all they need throughout the day.” It should strengthen its shopping skills and ensure the stores are well merchandised, clean, tidy, and managers operating them are well engaged. Another area of improvement is on the inventory levels. Wal-Mart should ensure it gets its inventory right by planning better and cutting down the prices of the items nearing their expiry to avoid shrinkage. The quanti ...
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