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Family Kinship and Personal Relationship Essay

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Argumentative Essay
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Family, kinship and personal relationship 1
Kinship and family are interconnected notions. Ties between networks of families or families are
referred to as kinship. A diversity of relationship ties subsist, including fictive, affinal and
consanguineal kinship. Individuals who have a kin tie but their kinship involves neither
marriage ties nor biological ties falls in fictive kin while those related by marriage are in affinal
kin and individuals who are biologically related falls in consanguineal kin. The relationship
degree that individuals have to each other either on marriage, adoption, or birth also defines the
kinship groups. Primary relationships are those between children and parents, siblings and
spouses. Secondary kinship relationships comprise of other extended family kinships like the
ones among grandchildren and grandparents and tertiary kinship relationships comprises of
distant relations which includes distant cousins and great grandparents. On the other hand, it is
significant to note that various societies and cultures comprehend and describe these kinships in
ways that are so different. Individual families and even communities in a society have different
notions on family constitution. Tertiary, primary and secondary kinship in various societies have
degrees of importance that varies. Thus children develops within the families and the societies
which play a significant role in development of children’s personal relationship where they
develops important duties within the societies and in their families (James and Prout, 2015,
James et al., 1998; Jenks, 2004, 53)
The aim of this essay is to discuss children’s personal relationship through visual mapping. It
will begin by exploring how children create kinship with others in their daily lives, discuss on
how children kinship operate and also check on the meanings of children’s kinship. A diagram
that shows child’s personal relationship will be discussed using visual mapping diagram
(genogram). Limitations and delimitations of using visual mapping in the study will also be
Children developing or creating kinship
To explore on how children create kinship in their daily lives with others, creativity concept is
very significant as a result of recognition that kinship is not purely a given but it is shaped and
molded through individual’s own family practices and negotiations and via changing
understanding of the public and clear description of what relatedness constitutes of ( for
example, Carsten,2004;Mason and Finch, 1993, Weeks et al,2001, 135). Though most studies on
kinship has focused on adults, there is need to understand that children have an essential

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Family, kinship and personal relationship 2
approach to their kinship creativity. For instance, children and youth are always creative on who
to incorporate in description of their family including family members, range of relatives, pets,
dead individuals and living individuals (Brannen et al., 2000; Edwards et al., 2005; Hallden,
2003; Morrow, 1998; O’Brien et al., 1996; Seaman, 2002, 47). Children prioritize the
relationship quality in that, love, support and care are essential their description of kin (Smart et
al, 2001; Morrow1998). in children’s thinking on what on what a family constitutes of,
sometimes children perceive these issues as superseding a structural relationship, for example,
‘missing’ fathers can be described as not part of the family as a result a failure to love or care
properly any longer(O’Brien et al 1996, 17) . In addition, various studies investigate
understanding of children on kinship or family though they e Personal relationship is also a key
site for transmission of social exclusion or social integration, social reproduction and social
values constituting of the reproduction of inequality and equality (Dunn and Deater-Deckard,
2001,5) mphasize on third-party vignettes and scenarios instead of their personal understanding
(for example, Pryor and Rigg, 2007, 17-30)
In reckoning and ways of ordering kinship, children negotiate, make sense and negotiate their
kinship to others (Edwards, 2000). They reckon kinship through the acknowledgement of proper
relatives by use of genealogically facts which provides a nomenclature and a protocol for
proper definition of a proper family member, through creating better kinship and through
developing like-kin kinship.
Children’s kinship operates by developing positive contact and communication with children
which is an important duty and a good component of foundational teaching. Every child thrives
and grows in a dependable kinship and close context endowed with security, responsive
interactions nurturance and love. A positive parent-child kinship developed on trust, caring and
understanding enhances communication, motivation and cooperation (Webster-Stratton, 2016,
30). Thus contact and communication are very crucial in assisting children develop good
personal relationship, identity sense and understanding their lives. Also activities, events and
ceremonies such as birthday parties, weddings, and religious or cultural ceremonies and events
helps children in developing personal relationships which as well consolidates kin relationships.
Relationship between parents and their children are considered most important in children lives.
Kinship is very meaningful and important to children in both positive and negative ways because

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Family, kinship and personal relationship 1 Introduction Kinship and family are interconnected notions. Ties between networks of families or families are referred to as kinship. A diversity of relationship ties subsist, including fictive, affinal and consanguineal kinship. Individuals who have a kin tie but their kinship involves neither marriage ties nor biological ties falls in fictive kin while those related by marriage are in affinal kin and individuals who are biologically related falls in consanguineal kin. The relationship degree that individuals have to each other either on marriage, adoption, or birth also defines the kinship groups. Primary relationships are those between children and parents, siblings and spouses. Secondary kinship relationships comprise of other extended family kinships like the ones among grandchildren and grandparents and tertiary kinship relationships comprises of distant relations which includes distant cousins and great grandparents. On the other hand, it is significant to note that various societies and cultures comprehend and describe these kinships in ways that are so different. Individual families and even communities in a society have different notions on family constitution. Tertiary, primary and secondary kinship in various societies have degrees of importance that varies. Thus children develops within the families and the societies which play a significant role in development of children’s personal relationship where they develops ...
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