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Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 Research Paper

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Running head: Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Charles D. Richards
American History I
Unit 7: Time Line Project

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Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was an event that occurred during the antebellum
period in the history of the United States. The principal ideology that formed the foundation of
this event was the need for a critical policy change regarding slavery expansion into the Kansas-
Nebraska territories. However, the organization of Kansas and Nebraska into territories preceded
the organization of the two states on the basis of popular sovereignty (Stathis, 2014). The key
players in the Kansas-Nebraska Act were Senator Stephen A. Douglas, who sponsored the Act,
and President Franklin Pierce, who signed into law the Act to organize Nebraska and Kansas into
territories. The aftermath of this event was bloodshed as anti-slavery supporters and pro-slavery
supporters clashed over their views about the act, making slavery and war the main areas of
emphasis concerning the Kansas-Nebraska event.
The primary objective of the Kansas Nebraska Act was to give the people within the two
borders popular sovereignty, which would give them the freedom to choose whether they would
allowed slavery in those territories or not (Stathis, 2014). The Act, however, forced the repealing
of the long-standing Missouri Compromise that had outlawed slavery, leading to outrage from
the North.
The intention of Sen Stephen A. Douglas when sponsoring the Act was to curb the
controversy around the issue of expansion of slavery. On the contrary, this mission failed as the
Act resulted in an increase in national division between pro-slavery groups and anti-slavery
groups. Others stated that the senator’s underlying intention was the desire for a transcontinental
railroad that would be built through Chicago.

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Running head: Kansas-Nebraska Act Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 Charles D. Richards American History I Unit 7: Time Line Project 7/6/2020 2 Kansas-Nebraska Act Introduction The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was an event that occurred during the antebellum period in the history of the United States. The principal ideology that formed the foundation of this event was the need for a critical policy change regarding slavery expansion into the KansasNebraska territories. However, the organization of Kansas and Nebraska into territories preceded the organization of the two states on the basis of popular sovereignty (Stathis, 2014). The key players in the Kansas-Nebraska Act were Senator Stephen A. Douglas, who sponsored the Act, and President Franklin Pierce, who signed into law the Act to organize Nebraska and Kansas into territories. The aftermath of this event was bloodshed as anti-slavery supporters and pro-slavery supporters clashed over their views about the act, making slavery and war the main areas of emphasis concerning the Kansas-Nebraska event. The primary objective of the Kansas Nebraska Act was to give the people within the two borders popular sovereignty, which would give them the freedom to choose whether they would allowed slavery in those territories or not (Stathis, 2014). The Act, however, forced the repealing of the long-standing Missouri Compromise that had outlawed slavery, leading to outrage from the North. The intention of Sen Stephen A. Douglas when sponsor ...
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