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Women in 1800s America Reflection

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When the U.S. attempted to become separate from their past, one key piece of old
Common Law, feme covert, kept women in the shadows of their husbands like
servants, this was especially strong belief in the political arena. Their personal
value was in the work they did in the home and any activity outside the home was
seen as the man’s dominion. Post war the woman was viewed as the perfect
patriots. It became their role to raise patriotic children to help make the nation
successful and strong, they had very few rights or roles outside the home.
Despite this limitation, reform was occurring in slow doses; education, religion,
and leadership began to embrace women. A key example of this changing was
when Dolley Madison she became one of the most famous first lady, her historical
reputation rests on three of her accomplishments during her years as the first lady.
She worked with an architect to make the White House as beautiful as possible, she
created the role of first lady as republican hostess by established certain
ceremonies, like public spaces. She reached out to people and was charming and
conciliating during a period in our history when this was not the norm in the public
and political life. You can still see these ideals of Mrs. Madison in the way the
first ladies have hosted parties at the White House and around the world
throughout the years. When the British invaded the capital in the summer of 1814
and President Madison was still out of town speaking with the troops. Mrs.
Madison took it upon herself to place cabinet papers into trunks, filling a wagon
with silver and other valuables and send them to the Bank of Maryland for
safekeeping. During the height of the evasion she was able to save the portrait of
George Washington that is still on display at the White House. Because of these
Mrs. Madison compensated for her husband's low political views and she became
the heroine of the War of 1812.
To this day Mrs. Madison remains one of the most loved, respected and best
known ladies from our past as a lady of the White House. To this day you can still
see woman embody these same strong, patriotic and multiple traditions as wife,
assistant, helper, advisor, mother, hostess and lady while still being physically
attractive in society’s eyes. In turn woman over the years woman have lead and
prospered by become CEO’s, soldiers, Politian’s and major land owners while still
embodying the traditions of being a well rounded lady. I hope to even see the first
woman president in my time.

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When the U.S. attempted to become separate from their past, one key piece of old Common Law, feme covert, kept women in the shadows of their husbands like servants, this was especially strong belief in the political arena. Their personal value was in the work they did in the home and any activity ou ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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