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EDUC 6160 WU Early Childhood Development Class Reflection

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Walden University
Analytical Review
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Week 8 Assignment 2: Reflection
Alexis Lowe
Walden University
EDUC 6160: Early Childhood Development
April 22, 2020

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Running head: Reflection
Wow! Time has flown by. Over these past eight weeks this class has not only helped me
to fulfil my major requirements, but have also helped me to understand the complexity of early
childhood development and how I can become a better person as a parent and educator. The
participation and observation assignments were decisive to analyze me in my goal of being an
early educator. I felt natural working with children of all ages, but most importantly I look
forward to growing in this range of age because I will be applying in the classroom real teaching
strategies on a carefully planned curriculum. Even though I first started off as a Criminal Justice
major, I have now chosent to focus on early childhood education and with this course along with
others be successful to prepare future leaders of tomorrow.
The focus on studying early childhood concepts and theories has been a very significant
learning experience. I have had the opportunity to learn and explore various topics and issues
including identifying and labeling children, relevant child development topics such as stress and
trauma, major milestones of children at different age groups, and development theories.
Three insights
This has led me to generate a few insights including that a child’s development progress is
dependent on the cognitive, mental, emotional, physical, and social development. If there are any
gaps or constraints in any of these areas, they can greatly undermine their development
milestones. For instance, the issue of stress which hurts the cognitive development of a child thus
predisposing them to depression, substance abuse, and other mental disorders.
The second insight is children who present special needs require personalized and
comprehensive intervention. This arises from their own experiences and needs expressed. While
focusing on the topic of labeling disabled children, I acknowledge that labeling and identifying is
a form of tool or personalized strategy that helps to pinpoint children that need specialized

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Running head:REFLECTION EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Week 8 Assignment 2: Reflection Alexis Lowe Walden University EDUC 6160: Early Childhood Development April 22, 2020 Running head: Reflection 1 Wow! Time has flown by. Over these past eight weeks this class has not only helped me to fulfil my major requirements, but have also helped me to understand the complexity of early childhood development and how I can become a better person as a parent and educator. The participation and observation assignments were decisive to analyze me in my goal of being an early educator. I felt natural working with children of all ages, but most importantly I look forward to growing in this range of age because I will be applying in the classroom real teaching strategies on a carefully planned curriculum. Even though I first started off as a Criminal Justice major, I have now chosent to focus on early childhood education and with this course along with others be successful to prepare future leaders of tomorrow. The focus on studying early childhood concepts and theories has been a very significant learning experience. I have had the opportunity to learn and explore various topics and issues including identifying and labeling children, relevant child development topics such as stress and trauma, major milestones of children at different age groups, and development theories. Three insights This has led me to generate a few insights including that a child’s development progress is dependent on ...
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