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Ayutthaya in Thailand Presentation

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AYUTTHAYA IN THAILAND PREPARED: ANU CONTENT • 1. History of Ayutthaya • 2. Power • 3. Ayutthaya • 4. The city’s demise • 5. The ruins • 6. How to get there from Bangkok 2 AYUTTHAYA Escape the current capital of Thailand to visit the old one: Ayutthaya. The historical city is about 70 kilometers from Bangkok, and it is filled with delicious food, a laid-back city vibe, and most importantly and noteworthy of all, the ancient ruins found throughout. Here, a brief history of these intriguing remains found in Ayutthaya. YOUR COMPANY NAME 3 HISTORY Sukhothai was the first Siamese capital of Thailand and was founded in 1238. Ayutthaya was later founded in 1350, but it did not become a thriving city until about 1378. It remained the flourishing capital for about 400 years (until 1767). Sukhothai took a back seat to the thriving new capital and was, for the most part, forgotten. It was put back on the map by Rama I, when he used ancient Sukhothai artifacts to enrich and decorate his temples in Bangkok during the Chakri dynasty. YOUR COMPANY NAME 4 POWER Ayutthaya remained the capital for so long for a number of reasons. For one, it was home to an extensive trading port that welcomed international merchants, many of whom were from Europe. The city was a memorable one to these travelers because of the many temples and palaces found here. In addition to trading, the waterways that surrounded the city were useful in terms of protecting it, creating a watery fortr ...
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